Mean sea level: average height of the sea surface over a 19-year period.
The pair's radars work by constantly bouncing microwave pulses off the ground and sea surface.
These containers float just below the sea surface and represent a serious hazard to navigation.
"The issue, really, this year is the anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic, " Lepore said.
Storm surge: a rise in the sea surface on an open coast, often resulting from a hurricane.
They did this through measurements of magnesium content in the shells of microscopic sea surface animals found in ocean sediment.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | World 'warmest for 12,000 years'
The geoid is of paramount interest to oceanographers who study the causes of the "hills" and "valleys" on the sea surface.
This is the case for global sea surface temperatures, which alarmists claim should be sucking up much of the predicted human-induced warming.
Kieran McCarthy of Alliance said the decline of salmon was not fully understood and that rising sea surface temperatures may have had a role to play.
This would make them whiter so they reflect more sunlight back into space, reducing the sea surface temperature - which is the primary driver of hurricanes.
However, the weather department is still carefully monitoring the sea surface temperatures over the Pacific and Indian oceans, said L.S. Rathore, director general of the India Meteorological Department.
Absorption is particularly fast in cold water so the Arctic is especially susceptible, and the recent decreases in summer sea ice have exposed more sea surface to atmospheric CO2.
The satellite built in collaboration with France will carry two climate tools developed for analysing ocean current and sea surface heights by the French space agency CNES, reports say.
But by the Berkeley team's analysis, the global temperature correlates more closely with the state of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) index - a measure of sea surface temperature in the north Atlantic.
The effect of these strengthened winds whipping across the sea surface is to bring deeper, more carbon-rich water up from below, thus reducing the surface layer's capacity to absorb more CO2 from the air.
Kearns and a team of scientists led by Alan Strong of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service analyzed sea surface temperature data from the agency's polar-orbiting satellites from 1984 through 1996.
TDS-1 payloads include instruments to track ships and monitor the sea surface for freak waves, and even a self-destruct "sail" that will pull the spacecraft out of the sky at the end of its mission.
In a similar way to how large parts of icebergs are hidden below the sea surface, the turbine has a 100 metre draft that is anchored to the seabed with cables, that can be up to 700 metres long.
Storm surges have the potential to be dangerous because they involve a great upwelling of a stretch of ocean - intense low pressure at the heart of a storm literally tugs the sea surface above its normal level to create a massive bulge.
This Ocean forecasting system could generate crucial forecast information, such as ocean circulation, sea surface temperature, wave height, to serve the needs of a variety of human activities related to marine hazards mitigation, oil and gas exploration, fisheries, navigation, marine parks management and coastal recreational activities.
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These short-term global fluctuations are associated principally with natural oscillations of tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures summarized in the Nino index in the lower part of the figure. 2012 is nominally the 9th warmest year, but it is indistinguishable in rank with several other years, as shown by the error estimate for comparing nearby years.
FORBES: Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
It is a collaborative partnership of more than 30 nations from all continents, all working together to provide a seamless global array of over 3, 000 profiling floats moving up and down in the water column from the sea surface to 2, 000 meters and measuring temperature, salinity, and depth during every ascent to the sea surface.
The latest sea-surface height measurements reveal unusually cool water (shown as blue and purple) and sea levels that are two to seven inches below normal, extending from the Gulf of Alaska along the coast of North America.
The gradients seem less marked over the oceans where a lot of gravity field information has already been determined by spacecraft that measure sea-surface topography.
According to the government, current estimates show that one in six properties in Wales are at risk of flooding from rivers, the sea and surface water.
The fifth is the observation in reality of a predicted link between increased sea-surface temperatures and the frequency of the most intense categories of hurricane, typhoon and tropical storm.
Although the temperature on Ascension has not changed appreciably in the past 30 years, sea-surface temperatures upwind of it jumped by more than a degree in the 1980s before levelling off.
Corals 'bleach' when they are under stress, which typically has been caused by an increase in sea-surface temperatures (but which could be also brought on by variations in light, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels or pollutants).
Warren White of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and his colleagues were the first to find that sea-surface temperatures across the globe swing up and down in a 10-to 12-year period that lags behind the solar cycle by two to three years.
The data from the Cassini spacecraft is said to strengthen the idea that Enceladus harbours a sub-surface sea.