But however self-seeking and power-hungry Mr Thaksin may be, the red-shirt movement now dwarfs his individual ambition.
Because a lot of times people give advice and it's misguided or it's self-seeking and they may not know it.
Along with millions of working Americans, they are paragons of personal responsibility, not Romney's caricature of self-pitying victims seeking to live off government benefits.
So far, however, under the Amsterdam treaty of 1997, each member can veto any move by a self-selected group seeking to undertake special projects.
Perform duties for the greatest benefit of the public and restrain from seeking self-gain and from being an instrument of any group of people.
The project also highlights Turkey's growing involvement in the region, a marked change from just a few years ago when ties were strained over Ankara's battle against Kurdish insurgents seeking self-rule in Turkey.
It would also mean reinventing the way we run organizations, built not on the sole basis of self-regarding profit-seeking motives, but rather organizations that are focused on providing thick value and delighting their customers.
FORBES: Video: Tim Jackson: Economics That Serves The Full Potential Of Our Humanity
At the same time, the IRS is sending questionnaires to some groups that self-declare their tax-exempt status, seeking more information on their political activity, and it is reviewing tax returns of some exempt groups to make sure they are complying with rules imposing a tax on some of their political activities, tax experts say.
Seeking humility rather than self- aggrandizement is the fourth step toward authenticity, and seeking humility always means cheerfully accepting a certain amount of painful humiliation all along the way.
FORBES: Notre Dame's Manti Te'o: The 5 Steps to Authentic Leadership
Unless you're already under criminal investigation (in which case an amended return could be self-incriminating) or are seeking a special deal from the IRS, your new lawyer may simply send you to a CPA who will help you prepare an amended return--a 1040X.
Even John Howard, the prime minister and a staunch monarchist, grudgingly admits that having a head of state who lives in another country does not quite fit Australia's self-image as a modern democracy, seeking to establish a new role for itself in the Asia-Pacific region.
The more notorious rulings have seen self-declared Muslims branded apostates for seeking to reinterpret fundamental principles of the faith.
And what forces may be seeking to perpetuate that self-deception?
FORBES: The 5 Hour Energy Scam And The Power Of Self-Deception
But neither are we obliged, by self-interest or self-respect, to be played by every extortionist who comes our way, seeking the prestige of our company and the things we have to offer in exchange for being kept safe from harm.
WSJ: Bret Stephens: North Korea and Iran Are Practicing Extortion
His Aron, seeking isolation, smiles in self-recognition: he knows that he has nailed himself to his own peculiar cross.
But this morning, he encouraged readers to embrace a self-directed brokerage option in a story headlined Seeking Investment Flexibility in a 401(k).
Although Schwab says it has no plans to offer a full advisory service, only aids to self-help, the fee-based financial advisers to whom it currently refers counsel-seeking clients (in return for a fat commission) fear that is where it is heading.
Believers seeking healing regularly visit Mama Safi, a self-proclaimed "good witch, " who gained her powers after being visited by spirits, she says.
CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution
Whelan says self-help advice is especially relevant when it comes to job seeking for a generation that was reared on the idea that the path to affluence would be smooth, but has discovered a different reality.
FORBES: Why the New Generation Needs the Old Self-Help Classics
The candidates seeking to replace Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who self-funded his three campaigns for City Hall, crisscrossed the city, shaking hands and schmoozing with voters on the unofficial first day of summer.
WSJ: Republican Jabs at Rival as New York City Mayoral Campaigns Rev Up
To ascribe profit-seeking to a profession that is heralded as an embodiment of self-sacrifice would offend the sensibilities of the public and many physicians.
FORBES: Why Are Profits In the Healthcare Sector So Demonized?
In addition to chief of staff Kyle Sampson, who has resigned and will testify on Capitol Hill tomorrow, another aide, Monica Goodling, is seeking the protection of the Fifth Amendment with its safeguard against self-incrimination.
The best self-promotion resonates to your target audience, so you need to know whose attention you are seeking.
FORBES: Self-Promotion Lessons Inspired By Forbes' 100 Most Powerful Women