Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the salt and simmer for 60 minutes or until the broth lightly thickens.
Simmer uncovered for about 45 minutes, stirring often toward the end of the cooking time.
The Hungarian crisis is finally starting to boil over after months of slow simmer.
It automatically turns the heat down to a simmer temperature once the pan begins to boil.
When braising, cook the pumpkin or squash in just enough water and simmer until tender.
WSJ: Tony Maws's Spiced Pumpkin, Eggplant and Rapini | Slow Food Fast
Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, and simmer for about 1 hour or until tender.
Mexico in many ways has been stuck in a kind of limbo while a number of crises simmer.
Mi Tierra likes to simmer its chilli for four hours, but after one I'm too hungry to wait.
What are you doing while the bird roasts and the green beans simmer?
Reduce heat to a simmer and stir in the andouille and minced garlic.
Simmer until the sprouts are coated with cream, stirring Frequently, about 4 minutes.
He urgently needed to rebuild bridges, but instead allowed the animosity to simmer.
For more immediate gratification, you can briefly simmer the ramps in brine and then cool them off in the refrigerator.
Moore said he doesn't actually boil his birch sap but instead lets it simmer until most of the water evaporates.
Cover and simmer until the sprouts are almost tender, about 7 minutes.
Poor underwriting practices usually simmer until something else ignites the debt volcano.
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Young people can be embraced as partners in shaping their societies, or they can be excluded and left to simmer in frustration and despair.
In the Middle East, the Egyptian political unrest continues to simmer.
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Uncover and simmer until the water evaporates, about 5 minutes.
In her first cookbook, due out this spring, Ms. Bloomfield plans to include a thickened version of this soup that calls for lightly smashing the vegetables as they simmer.
WSJ: April Bloomfield's Hearty Root Vegetable Soup | Slow Food Fast
The European Union sovereign debt and financial crisis has gone from the back burner of the market place, to the front burner, and from a simmer to a medium boil.
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