Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in a heavy, large skillet over medium heat.
The recipe seemed like a cinch, calling for just a handful of ingredients and a cast-iron skillet.
Toast the fennel seeds in a small skillet over medium heat just until they start to change color.
And now for the secret ingredient, Luda thought, throwing some small cubes of pancetta into the hissing skillet.
Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter in the same skillet over medium heat.
Remove the skillet from the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly.
Better fry up some synthetic fish sticks in my Teflon skillet and then eat them with my stainless steel fork.
It ended up being something like, 'just because your brain is a cast iron skillet, doesn't mean your body is.
As a skillet of puri sizzles in her well-equipped kitchen, Dr. Malathi Sreedhara talks about their decision to return to India.
She shaped the balls and threw them onto the skillet with her right hand, while holding the spatula with her left.
Fit a layer of apples into the skillet, putting the apples into the pan rounded side down and making concentric circles.
Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed skillet over high heat.
Put the scallops on a warm platter or plate and cover loosely with foil while you prepare the succotash in the same skillet.
She put a chunk of nice sweet butter and a smaller chunk of lard in the middle of the skillet and swirled them around.
Toast the pine nuts in a dry skillet until golden and fragrant (keep an eye on them so they don't burn) and let cool.
In a dry skillet over medium heat, lightly toast the chilies.
In a large, heavy skillet, warm the oil over medium-high heat.
And yet, when just one such benefit was disclosed to ardent opponents of health care, they flipped their point of view like a pancake on the skillet.
Heat 1 tablespoon of the butter with the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until the butter melts and sizzles.
When all the scallops are cooked, pour the orange juice, lemon juice, and tarragon into the skillet, scraping up the brown bits from the bottom of the pan.
And my old cast-iron skillet crisps the chicken skins beautifully.
The only exception: sensational iron skillet macaroni and cheese.
Heat a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat.
CNN: Food Central: Swedish pancakes with warm blueberry sauce
The Tatin technique is also good for soft summer fruits like apricots and (peeled) peaches, but be gentle in that case: It's best to cook the butter and sugar in the skillet without the fruit.