My parents would walk to Marina beach every morning in Madras to enjoy the fresh air, but that Sunday they did not go the beach as they had an invitation to visit some one else.
Furthermore, since no two people's circumstances are ever identical, every producer potentially has something--some information, some skill or some resource--that no one else does, giving him a unique market edge.
Admittedly, this is easier to pull off when no one else is aboard, but relocating some storage area to sidewalls (not in overhead spaces) adds a lot of cabin room and makes it less likely passengers will bash their heads on compartments above in that frantic post-landing-must-touch-my-carryon-immediately moment of choreographed (and mystifying) panic.
For one reason or another, they would awaken one morning, pack up and, leaving nothing of themselves behind, plod up the next long hill toward the smoky horizon, their meager belongings on their backs, in search of some other inhospitable piece of African real estate that no one else would have, where no one else would live, where no one given a choice including the boy would choose to be born.
"There are some things that the bank might be able to do automatically, where the bank itself has applied charges to your account but there's so much other stuff - the way in which it impacted on our real life - that unless you make some notes and write it down and actually claim, no-one else is going to know about it", Mr Cresswell explained.
Some feel that Hezbollah came to the aid of the Palestinians when no one else in the Arab world would.
As no one else has any name recognition at all, there is some concern including in the GOP that Taitz might eke out enough votes to stay around until November.
FORBES: The California Ballot and the Furtw?ngler Principle [Updated]
Bushnell says Jobs offended some Atari employees so much that Bushnell eventually told Jobs to work nights when one else was around.
It is silly to keep out those who are qualified to do some technical or healthcare related job that helps the US economy when there is no one else here to do it.
FORBES: How Do You Fix the Hollowing Out of America's Middle Class?
On a recent powder day that locals were describing as some of the best conditions in years, I rode five consecutive lifts by myself with no one else in those lines.
The American guitarist Ry Cooder brought together some of the island's aging local legends for the album, realizing that if no one else preserved the hidden musical gems, they might be lost forever.
One column you wrote at the end of May began that some people just don't like Mexicans or anyone else from south of the border.
There were a number of atrocious acts which reportedly occurred wire-taps (wire fraud), bribery, arguable attempts to influence government, and who knows what else: if one could prove that they represented a pattern of bad behavior formulated to achieve some nefarious end whether it be toward a political, monetary, or some other goal then, according to the Supreme Court, they could, potentially, face a RICO charge.
FORBES: Can, and Should, NewsCorp Actually Be Tried Like the Mafia?