In other words, they do not conform in the slightest to the popular stereotype.
"There is no stereotype for someone who wishes to cause harm to children, " he said.
And so they have a stereotype of women are either A, B or C.
Yet several of Jagr's Rangers teammates remembered him as player who didn't match his stereotype.
The stereotype becomes the other , the one who is strange and different.
Perhaps, the stereotype that a rich Romney was catering to rich people, was true.
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One should regard cynically any argument that depends on the stereotype of woman as helpless victim.
But a left-leaning lawyer friend, and Giants fan, made a good argument that subverts the stereotype.
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Moshe and Lifshitz take a more charitable view of systems managers than the common stereotype.
But it's time to discard the stereotype of a 17-year-old trading dot-coms via a home PC.
To some, the idea that anyone would be upset over this stereotype is ridiculous.
Not to stereotype, but Italian men can and do rock the disheveled look pretty often.
As part of this stereotype, the players are usually powerful businessmen negotiating between drives and putts.
"It freed me from the stereotype of how a CD case is presented, " he says.
Being a religious minority rather than a racial one, Muslims are easier to stereotype.
We really want to change the stereotype, and step by step we are doing it.
Mr Hoecker said most Germans were blissfully unaware of the English stereotype of them hogging loungers.
"It's just such a stereotype, " says "Lips" LaBelle, longtime afternoon DJ on 94.5 FM WKTI.
And despite the stereotype, not all football recruits are basket-weaving dummies with little interest in school.
But those who follow the Court closely find this stereotype wrong in every particular.
Latinos hardly fit into the embattled Chicano stereotype once so cherished by the left.
The stereotype of the mad scientist is never entirely absent from Mr Pais's portraits.
Multiple factors contributed to the sorority rant lighting up the Web, said Fertik: The "mean girls" stereotype.
While there's seriousness behind their complaints about the stereotype, these dads insist they can take a joke.
And every time a stereotype lets me down I analyze why and try to make it better.
FORBES: The Confession of a Serial Stereotyper: How to Stereotype Your Way to Success
Do you worry that your moratorium campaign is going to further a stereotype about African-Americans and spending?
All three grew up embracing the hearty stereotype of banking work being secure and steady and solid.
This story should be considered a case by case analysis and not a stereotype of a whole nation.
It seemed to me that my character will fall easily into stereotype and I was upset about it.
We are sick and tired of being seen as a stereotype and not as a full human being.
CNN: A fight for Trayvon Martin is a war against stereotypes