Nasa suggested it could be used in detectors and instrument components where stray-light causes problems.
London (CNN) -- Herge's famous boy reporter certainly liked to stray from his native Belgium.
He likens publicly owned U.S. companies to "stray cats" in desperate need of an owner.
They often want to cram every stray fact and experience into their new model.
For years Helliesen has adopted stray cats he finds hanging around his Brooklyn precinct.
Till recently, it has been better known for its litter and the world's largest stray-dog problem.
If you care about animals, you can find a shelter that helps with stray animals.
But when he opens the door and invites in another stray, there is no audience.
In the 1980s, he revived the rockabilly sound with his band, the Stray Cats.
Several weeks ago, a stray bullet penetrated the zinc roof of a neighbor's house.
Many dogs are even trained to track children who stray from home by following their scent.
When I left the facility, she gave me a stray cat to look after.
In the area surrounding the stadium there is no shortage of stray dogs and stray cows.
The large population of stray dogs has long been a problem in Mexico City, correspondents say.
The number of stray dogs in the Mexican capital is estimated at about 120, 000.
This Great Gatsby game is a perfect example of just how far to stray.
He spares no one, including congressional Republicans when they stray from their principles.
About 4, 500 stray dogs a year are looked after by the charity, which was founded in 1892.
The researchers said that rabies was more likely after the bite of a stray or rabid dog.
"The publicity wasn't so great, " says Langer, thoughtfully twisting and pulling at a stray strand of hair.
So here I am, in my shower, the last bastion where my stray thoughts can flow freely.
But this self-confident Euro-enthusiasm, bolstered by one of the fastest-growing EU economies, can easily stray into arrogance.
The other, a 25-year-old woman, was hit by a stray bullet at the window of her home.
While the show does stray from the books, it does so with style and, one hopes, purpose.
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Mr Daschle will have a hard job keeping his own party in line and attracting stray Republicans.
He said -- he was referring to the stray cats and dogs in the health care legislation.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton
Recently, four people were mauled to death in a park, with stray dogs blamed for the incident.
Thousands of stray dogs live in the Mexican capital's streets and many are reportedly subjected to cruelty.
You need to draw up plans, but be nimble enough to stray from those plans when appropriate.