Despite being dismissed by many as a leftover from predecessor Suharto's discredited New Order regime, Habibie endured opposition - even from within his own party - and put up a stubborn fight to remain a key political contender.
"He's a young man with a tremendous amount of hope, and he's stubborn - stubborn in a good way, " said Dr Jaimie Shores, the hospital's clinical director of hand transplantation.
Indeed, the bishop comes across as a stubborn, prickly individual and a man whom it is easier to admire at a distance.
But a stubborn former president can be a formidable presence.
The man behind the building and the show remains a paradox, a stubborn set of contradictions, a visionary of staggering talent anchored in the past, charming, intransigent, wrong as often as he was right.
But ideology is also a stubborn thing, and when a group is as blatantly driven by ideology as are PSEHE and the Park Foundation, factors like facts and reality are just inconvenient obstacles to be ignored.
Under the present governor, Duvvuri Subbarao, a softly spoken figure, it has made a tough series of rate rises in the past two years to try to curb a stubborn spell of inflation (a battle that may not be over).
Finding it tough to break down a stubborn Glasgow defence, Robinson sent a steepling kick into the air for Shanklin to chase.
What is worse the SD has not captured Chavez's essence as a stubborn ideologist, the opposite of a pragmatist seeking accommodation with the United States.
After securing the bonus point the game got a bit sloppy and a very stubborn Sedgley Park scored a brace of tries in quick succession, which was displeasing.
At the same time, investors are trying to unseat a stubborn management group in the hopes of a takeover offer or asset sales, and a system wide disruption like this certainly hurts its image to potential buyers.
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He walked pitched forward with a stubborn gait, as if he were fighting a strong headwind.
Berbatov, meanwhile, endured a frustrating afternoon in the face of a stubborn Rovers rearguard and was guilty of missing a gilt-edged chance inside the area with 10 minutes remaining.
And unemployment stands at a stubborn 10%: the administration forecasts see only a fractional fall in joblessness this year.
Or a stubborn defence of the existing order that will keep France a middling world power in economic decline?
The influential Roman Catholic church has suggested Marcos be buried in Batac, but his widow is a stubborn woman who longs for the seal of approval that a burial in Heroes' Cemetery would bring.
But his side was unable to find a way past a stubborn and determined Rangers defense, which managed to hold on for a precious point in its fight against relegation.
Bloomberg has been blasted for charging ahead with the marathon, a stubborn choice in an otherwise-praised performance in leading the city through a storm.
It is a stubborn problem, but one that responds to measures, such as those just approved after a perplexing political battle in the United States.
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Over the past two months a span in which the team has played .500 basketball the Knicks have been a stubborn bunch that seemingly refuses to alter its game plan despite previous opponents having laid out a blueprint that details precisely how they can be beaten.
Mr Westendorp is no Bosnia expert, but local politicians will find him a stubborn negotiator.
Today, smoking remains a stubborn habit because it is an integral part of Chinese social life.
For a stubborn and growing cross-partisan constituency, that would be change to believe in.
In October inflation in the euro area was a stubborn 2.3%, up from 1.9% in July.
Ms Mcdonald said before diagnoses her daughter was thought of as a stubborn child who needed discipline.
EU. It must prove itself a strong and far-sighted country, not merely a big or a stubborn one.
Both authors suggest that there remains a stubborn hostility and outright resentment towards private sector involvement in education.
Once upon a time there was a stubborn child who never did what his mother told him to do.
Options players have shown a stubborn preference for calls on BTU, as well.
About halfway through, a stubborn inconsequentiality sets in, and the movie loses urgency.