Nothing is quite as satisfying on a hot summer day as a dip of ice cream.
The aftermath of the storm was compounded by a forecast of another sweltering summer day.
Refreshing and clean, it can easily hold up against even the most sweltering summer day.
On a hot summer day, I was roaming randomly down Jianguomen Avenue in Beijing.
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On a hot summer day last July, the company launched its Honest Cities initiative.
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When you speak low our summer day withers away too soon, all too soon.
"I think we're going to all enjoy a nice summer day, " said Sally Bishop, the county's emergency management director.
If I'm thirsty on a hot summer day, I'll occasionally drink a 7-Up.
That would be like a hot summer day for Hampton Beach for us.
Mr. CHESTER BURNETT (Howling Wolf): (Singing) One summer day, she went away.
By 10 a.m. on this summer day, without any orders called in for his execution, Lavender passes the time with a crossword puzzle.
Now operated by a charitable trust, the R Tucker Thompson runs summer day sails like this one to fund its work with local children.
Each summer day a boat carries curious visitors from the island's capital to a nearby port, from where a bus winds them up a paved road to Olymbos.
On a hot summer day, as I was roaming randomly down Jianguomen Avenue in Beijing, I found myself drawn to a place called Liang Zi Fitness.
FORBES: While Americans Indulge In Over-Consumption, Chinese Move Up By Enduring Hardship
And God willing, their grandchildren will also be inspired and moved and become better and bigger because of what happened on that increasingly distant summer day.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington
She was driving her motorcycle around town with her husband on a hot summer day in 2008 when they decided to stop for a meal at a local restaurant.
Of course, there's no way Saniewska could have known that the young woman she photographed on a summer day in 2005 would become the international superstar she is today.
On a sun-sweet summer day Stephen Bronfman, the 42-year-old grandson of Seagram's founder, Samuel Bronfman, relaxes on a porch at Cap Nord, his salmon camp on Quebec's remote north shore.
On any other warm summer day, the white sandy beaches here around Jieh - a resort town about 15 miles south of Beirut - would be packed with sun worshippers.
An article on the ordination led Wednesday's news page, recalling how Joseph Ratzinger, then 24, was ordained on a "radiant summer day" along with 42 other young men.
Sweeping strings evoke images of a beautiful sunny summer day, laying in the grass by a pond, complete with the chirps of crickets and the sound of wind through the trees.
In the A plot, the nine-year-old half brothers Phineas and Ferb fill a summer day with some insanely ambitious project: making a building as high as the moon, a time machine, a roller-coaster.
Here, the Spruce Brook runs crystal clear into the brown, mineral-infused waters of the Wild River, forming a multitude of pools that are perfect for whiling away a summer day in the mountains.
On a fine summer day she drives to Nihonmatsu, 56km (35 miles) from the ruined nuclear plant at Fukushima, and notes her Geiger counter ticking higher: another step in the DIY defence against radioactivity.
Disturbed by the treatment of disabled people in institutions across the country in the 1950s and 1960s, Shriver began inviting disabled children to a summer day camp, called Camp Shriver, on her farm in Maryland.
My introduction to guns came on a hot summer day in 1963 when my father, 53 sent us all out of the house to have an afternoon of fun at a swimming pool in Aberdeen, Maryland.
Apart from Mr. Billard's melting bonus, a bank teller in British Columbia made national news after she told a local radio station of seeing bills that had melted a on car dashboard on a hot summer day.