• That means getting his estranged wife, played by Katharine Hepburn, to agree to act the contented spouse on the campaign trail.

    CNN: All The Presidents' Movies

  • But Alex Salmond resembled Groucho in other regards - the relaxed demeanour, the contented smile, the sense that he knows more than he lets on.

    BBC: Alex Salmond's night at the opera

  • Both are best enjoyed in a moderation seldom easy to maintain, and both owe their success to the most smugly contented cows you are ever likely to see.

    BBC: The perfect trip: Switzerland

  • In the relaxed, jolly faces around me is the sense of a way of life that is industrious, simple and integrated into a landscape and a community - the lives of contented people.

    BBC: Snowbound Slovenia

  • If you've been on flights with Wi-Fi enabled, you may have noticed that the passengers using it seem to be contented, almost docile -- the tension level seems to have been lowered.

    CNN: Cell phones on planes? For texting, not gabbing

  • So for now, it looks like fans will have to be contented with the singles collection, though Skelly says they should have some added extras, including a documentary made up of footage the band have recorded since they formed 12 years ago.

    BBC: Newsbeat - Music - The Coral reveal new album details

  • Eighteen minutes later - with the precision of a military operation - Switzerland emerges from the hotel suite with a contented, if slightly flushed, demeanour.

    BBC: In a bedroom with Madonna

  • The Kurds are unlikely to feel contented in any of these countries, even if their governments became models of moderation, without a generous measure of autonomy in the regions in which they predominate.

    ECONOMIST: The tragedy of the Kurds

  • Gallup's research is based on the performance of the different units and surveys of how contented their employees were.

    ECONOMIST: It’s the manager, stupid | The

  • The UAE is by many standards a contented place.

    ECONOMIST: The United Arab Emirates

  • After the initial shine wore off, many of us contented ourselves with just keeping tabs on our virtual mirrors.

    FORBES: The Future

  • It may be that Britain's wise politicians have solved all the big political and economic questions, leaving a largely contented population to amuse themselves with trifles.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Critics and writers as well established in their own right as Anna Akhmatova and Vladimir Nabokov have contented themselves with tackling distinct literary peaks, rather than grappling with the paradoxical nature of the whole man.

    ECONOMIST: Russian writers

  • The other mistake that has preyed on my mind has to do with the VW Jetta, which I crucified in a column a few months ago as being de-contented, dumbed-down and sadly cheapened Americanized, as part of Volkswagen of America's master plan to increase sales by lowering the brand's price point.

    WSJ: 2011 Car Reviews: What Dan Neil Got Wrong | Rumble Seat

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