Their demon is another atomic nucleus, which interacts with the first as the demon would.
It depicts Liberal statesman David Lloyd George with the caption 'The Demon Bowler'.
Mudiyettu is a ritual dance drama from Kerala based on the mythological tale of a battle between the goddess Kali and the demon Darika.
He remains a benign Nosferatu, halfway between the demon that dogs romantic souls, luring them into a hellfire of trouble, and a treasured imaginary friend.
You believe in his belief, for Ethan, usually the mildest of fellows, is addressing not Corinne, whom he loves, but the demon who has tempted him into violence.
This prepares the ground for the lively enactment to follow, in which the divine sage Narada importunes Shiva to contain the demon Darika, who is immune to defeat by mortals.
The first step is to talk openly about dementia because it's a fact, well enshrined in folklore that if we are to kill the demon then first we have to say its name.
Sure, Grendel has an anger management problem, but then he is stuck with appallingly noisy neighbors, egged on by a beer-bellied Dionysus, King Hrothgar, the demon's own dad (Anthony Hopkins, whose paunch is one 3-D effect too many).
The Demon system's success in controlling roll, one of the three axes of movement of a body in free space, is also leading engineers to wonder if the other two axes, pitch and yaw, might similarly be transferred to fluidic systems from, respectively, the elevator flaps on the tailplane and the rudder on the tail.
The real demon in the machine is the tirelessness of the user.
What Dr Lloyd has shown is that the quantum demon suffers the same cost of forgetting as the classical one and an additional cost to boot.
If he could do this at no cost, the naughty demon would break the second law of thermodynamics.
The quantum demon could thereby extract energy from the heat of the liquid.
As a consequence of this additional uncertainty, if the quantum demon makes a measurement of a nucleus which forces it to choose one state or the other, he is creating new information.
Strew a few of these rose petals around your next conversation with the Lifestyle Demon of your acquaintance.
In particular it stifled attempts to find and arrest a hacker who used the "Demon Killer" alias.
The headless horseman is not the only demon to haunt this perilous bridge.
Philip John, the technical director of the project, says the version used on Demon has the compressed air entering a single chamber within a wing's trailing edge.
Moments after killing the Knight I encountered the Taurus Demon.
In the Kabuki tradition of men playing female characters, Mr. Sawamura's gestural dances, full of delicate facial expressions and artful costume manipulation, marvelously capture the wiles of the serpent-demon maiden hoping to enter the temple that figures in the classic play.
WSJ: Giselle at the D?j?ji Temple | Yasuko Yokoshi | Bell | New York Live Arts | By Robert Greskovic
Gamers have already uncovered a bug in the game which can disconnect demon hunters from the game's servers.
The trickiest part of the route is the ominously named Demon Trail (10km) alongside Lake McKerrow.
Set in a fictional Ainu village (the Ainu are the bearded, lighter-skinned indigenous people of Japan) the story revolves around The Order of Akane, a group of demon hunters tasked with ridding the village of demons.
The story concerns the title warrior, who arrives in Denmark in the year 507 to do battle with Grendel, a giant, pustulant, suppurating demon that terrifies the Danish court whenever they're in their mead cups, which is often.
Quite by chance, I had myself just played the part of a demon king in a Christmas play at my primary school.
On Demon, the air is produced from a seperately powered compressor, but in a production version it could be drawn from the engine.
Whether it was Santo or Blue Demon or The Wrestling Women, there were always at least two or three just straight wrestling sequences.