The howling over the so-called Monsanto provision is all show and little substance.
The sat phone seemed to be pretty clear at my end and, despite the howling winds outside, I think they all heard me.
The howling insanity of Prechter and his fellow bears is rising.
Director Wes Craven says he was first drawn to the howling ghost-face mask that became the star of his "Scream" movies because it reminded him of the Munch image, one of his favorite artworks.
If you aren't wearing a green blazer, the histrionics are mostly amusing, as are the sirens howling from an event that prides itself on intense institutional control.
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The monkeys are wild, but they are accustomed to visitors, and more importantly, the guides know where they hang out, so kids can see the monkeys howling it up in their natural habitat.
And we saw the national debt double during the previous administration, which is why when I hear -- generally, I'm a -- I try to be a bipartisan guy, but when I hear some folks from the other party in Congress start howling about the deficits, I'm starting to think, well, where have you been?
The wind was howling at sunrise and never relented, so everyone was playing in the same conditions.
The mistral was howling on Dec. 23, 2002, as Isabel Ferrando and her husband settled into the Domaine St.
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The Nevada winds, howling on Monday, would blow the Citabria around like a kite.
"At the end of my suffering, there was a door, " she writes in "Wild Iris, " with an image that captures both the end of a raw, howling grief and the beginning of life after loss.
But its loud music, heavy drinking, slot machines and lamely punned menu (Screamburger, anyone?) celebrates just the sort of crassness that would have had poor Munch howling to the rafters.
Several other travel companies opposed the deal, howling that it would limit competition.
He writes on Islamic finance in law review articles and on his blog,, and is the author of Howling in Mesopotamia.
He tried to escape the conventional way, but the pressure from winds howling at well over 100 mph prevented him from opening the door.
He and his colleagues developed an iPad app enabling users to create their own jungle music, syncing the sounds of howling monkeys, frogs, rain, fish and streams into a rhythmic symphony, free for children and potential adult visitors to download as a window into Costa Rica's biodiversity.
The banking regulator, the finance ministry, the central bank and bank shareholders are howling in protest, and the bankers' federation is even threatening legal action.
Yesterday in Portsmouth, the wind was just howling, but today is a positively balmy 6 degrees.
Morning came and the wind was still howling, but probably only 40 mph.
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Yet Howling at the Moon is valuable for what it says about the industry that permitted such an extreme personality to rise and flourish.
Dean went into the nation's first binding primary haunted by his howling speech to supporters after the Iowa caucuses.
The first of them, that of the immensely dangerous Kevin Pietersen, came off his first ball of the tournament, and prompted a howling, furrowed-browed, stiff-armed gallop of such intensity that it was as if the clock had been turned back and India's greatest captain was in charge of the national side again.
Guy Newbold, from Seascale, Gosforth, said the wind had been "howling" since early morning.
Or singing chipmunks modulated to send Fido into paroxysms of holiday howling (with the potential to spawn scores of excruciating YouTube videos)?
Let him curse and I remember him falling down the cellar steps, and howling, and I remember, with pain, his tears, which my hand or your grandmother's so easily wiped away.
Democrats have been howling for months over the proposed reduction for the SBA budget, with Sen.
Indians, once fixed in the American mind's eye as bands of howling savages bent on doing no good to John Wayne, are nowadays more often seen as the devoted children of Mother Earth, determined to preserve the planet for future generations.