Once he was over the hump of the hill, he let the cycle glide.
"It feels great to provide a certain amount of energy to get us over the hump, " he said.
"We came up short, and it seemed like every time something happened, we just couldn't get over the hump, " Paul said.
"It's a competition between tribes, " he explains of the hump-backed status symbols.
CNN: Head turners of the desert: A camel beauty pageant in the UAE
It "gives people a little push to get over the hump and get engaged, " says Nico Pronk, HealthPartners vice president of health management.
"Sesame Street" will soon pass 1 billion views on YouTube and it's celebrating the mark with a campaign to put itself over the hump.
To get over the hump, dealers are cutting margins while finance companies are lengthening the usual three-year repayment period to seven and even 10 years.
The team from west London had been experiencing some success in the English game, but was struggling to get over the hump and win a league title.
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Stocked with stars like Jose Reyes, Carlos Beltran, Carlos Delgado and Pedro Martinez, they signed free-agent busts to bloated contracts and squandered draft picks in trying to get over the hump.
Once a workplace gets over the hump of how to organize for families we might be on our way to a better outcome for women or anyone else desiring more flexible arrangements.
"The fact that I can shape my hair in any form I want, and that people turn heads to check me out, makes me feel confident, " says one devotee of the camel hump from the United Arab Emirates.
WSJ: Young Women's Elaborate, High-Rise 'Camel Hump' Hairstyles Turn Heads in Dubai Malls
All things considered, the odd hump on the bottom right edge doesn't seem as dramatic in the reals as it does in press photos, which we'd say is a good thing -- particularly considering the latest talk that we'll see this sucker launch all over the world over the next few months.
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Many figure the whole thing, like other youthful fashion trends, will disappear with time, predicting the camel hump will one day be as unusual as the Mohawk and the mullet are here.
WSJ: Young Women's Elaborate, High-Rise 'Camel Hump' Hairstyles Turn Heads in Dubai Malls
But mutual goodwill alone is not going to be enough to get the Indonesians over the looming hump.
The Droid RAZR HD finally sees Motorola bid the camera hump adieu.
Building a habit can take a few weeks, ranging from 21 days to 66 days, so you need to make sure you can get through the training hump.
Take, for instance, Citizinvestor, a new service that allows municipalities (big ones, like Philadelphia, Chicago, Tampa) to put forth public works languishing at the back of the queue so interested parties can donate a few dollars that might get them over the financial hump.
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Though their bodies remain well covered by billowing abayas, the camel-hump girls are often heavily made-up and have a reputation for tottering around the shopping malls in brightly colored high heels.
WSJ: Young Women's Elaborate, High-Rise 'Camel Hump' Hairstyles Turn Heads in Dubai Malls
Some 90% of this is still of the traditional, hump-backed zebu breed, which is adapted to tropical climates but grows slowly.
"It's kind of a joke around the society, " notes Aysha Abbasi, an 18-year-old student from Zayed University in Dubai, who spurns the camel-hump look herself.
WSJ: Young Women's Elaborate, High-Rise 'Camel Hump' Hairstyles Turn Heads in Dubai Malls
The scientists believe that the camel's hump (which stores fat, not water as is sometimes thought) could provide the reserves needed for an Arctic six-month winter.
You have no idea how much that occaisional windfall was appreciated by the skinny kid in Fariview NJ, who used to hump 126 copies of the Hudson Dispatch around town every morning.
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Avoiding them helped me get over the five-year hump, when more than 50% of startups shutter.
As the Baby Boomer demographic hump inexorably inched its way toward retirement their savings rate steadily fell.
It's a convincing ultraportable notebook impersonation given away mostly by a bit of a hump at the hinge.
However, the government, facing a debt-repayment hump next year, wants to raise as much from the Slavneft sale as possible.