For the religious among us there were the 13 guests at the Last Supper and the 13 tribes of Israel.
But there were severe threats to the art, " he said, among them the Allied bomb that almost destroyed "The Last Supper.
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Amid its 300 acres, the park has three churches, replicas of all of Michelangelo's works and a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" in stained glass.
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The rite re-enacts Jesus' washing of the feet of his 12 apostles during the Last Supper before his crucifixion, a sign of his love and service to them.
Da Vinci was a whiz as a painter (hint: "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper"), a scientist and engineer, and a futurist dead-set on fighting the gravitational pull of his own times.
Before the Singapore show opened, a London collector bought a painting called "The Last Supper, " a colorful interpretation of the iconic scene, which dramatizes world hunger by showcasing an empty white bowl.
Spanish colonial paintings of the Last Supper in the cathedral in Cusco, the former Inca capital, and in Lima's San Francisco monastery portray Christ and his apostles feasting on a plate of roasted cuy.
So the shelves remained packed with gaudy shrine paraphernalia, from portraits of Christ with a halo of flashing green, yellow and blue fairy lights, to depictions of the Last Supper illuminated with almost psychedelic colours.
The Vatican itself owns what it believes to be a fragment of the table from the Last Supper and marble stairs that are the same ones Jesus ascended on His way to appear before Pontius Pilate.
On Thursday, he washed the feet of prisoners in a youth detention centre near Rome as part of the Maundy Thursday service commemorating Christ's Last Supper.
The Christian ritual takes place on the Thursday before Easter to commemorate Christ's Last Supper.
On Saturday, Sheen had a "last supper" of beer and sandwiches at a social club where the Manic Street Preachers performed.
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When at last he got home, the smell of sausages lingered, but the mess of supper had been cleared away.