While it's technically always been possible to stream (using the 360's Media Center Extender technology), the new update gives the masses who aren't yet using a Media Center box a quick and easy way to stream video to the television.
This time last week, I was standing in the French Quarter of New Orleans watching the masses stumble by, clutching plastic hand grenades and oversize beer cups.
On top of the industrial backbone created during the Robber Baron era, they manufactured a new normal for the masses.
In our article "The Radical Grassroots" published on March 28, 2007, we discussed the potential situation generated by the emergence of new available masses represented in new populist movements in Latin America, formed by people who have been rather marginal in the political arena in the past.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Latin America's radical grassroots (part 2)
The fate of his dynasty rests on the new king's ability to provide for the masses who flocked to his father's funeral.
As we previously said, the environment has been an important issue to the indigenous communities and thus it has become a rallying issue of the new Latin American populist regimes eager to rally the masses.
But always-on is new territory for the masses, and probably even you at home.
CNN: OPINION: The push is on to deploy high-speed, always-on residential Internet access
In all, we're not exactly thrilled about Nokia's prospects for winning over the masses with this new series of devices.
Marini has gamely stayed by Francis' side as the new pope puts his own stamp on Vatican Masses with no-nonsense vestments and easy off-the-cuff homilies.
As Asia-Pacific's takeoff creates fabulous wealth--in our next issue we will list scores of new billionaires--the masses will merit attention along with the tycoons.
Then when the developers deliver what the lazy masses have asked for, they complain that none of the new games have any replay value.
Most experts agree that what Apple needs now is a new hot product that excites the masses.
With improved transport and better technology, the 19th century took books to the masses, novels to young ladies and texts to the new universities.
Now the game is moving to a new medium, Facebook, to share its addictive properties with the masses.
Ever since Casio introduced the first digital camera for the masses back in 1995, he has toyed with practically every new model to arrive in the stores.
The new work focuses instead on cold, dense masses of gas that have markedly less random motion, and which emit their radiation in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
We should be thankful that, whatever the reasons, there are a few people with the courage to risk ridicule, at a minimum, and possibly ruin, to bring new and often better ideas to the masses.
FORBES: How America's Best Pain Doctor - John Sarno - Took On The Medical Establishment and Won
Growth can help pull the masses out of grinding poverty and create new business opportunities in the industrial world.
FORBES: Sustainable Consumption Rising on the Business Agenda
Obviously Nikon couldn't introduce all these fancy new digicams without tossing out a little something for the masses, right?
Like all great game-changers and market makers, Kodak had democratized photography, making it available and affordable to the masses with another key, often overlooked, invention: a new business system and product ecosystem.
Microsoft's stalwart Photo Gallery and Movie Maker won't be hitting high-end studios anytime soon, but a new refresh for Windows 7 and 8 adds useful features that the teeming masses might appreciate.
ENGADGET: Windows Photo Gallery and Movie Maker refresh: Vimeo integration, camera stabilization
And whereas New York's immigrants are mostly huddled masses, London attracts the smart professionals and the stinking rich as well.
Narayan hopes that the boxless masses will relegate the family TV to the bedroom and buy a new TeleCruz set for the den.
Sure, there have been tons of exciting innovations unleashed upon the masses this past year, but there's also a passel of new ideas that we're glad never caught on.
While the turnout was lower than the crowds of tens of thousands that he first drew in August in New Delhi, there was a rekindling of the same spirit that brought out the masses for Mr. Hazare in the summer.
What is new is that banks, businesses and software firms want to bring cyberpayments to the masses.
This could, in fact, be an opportunity for the company to adopt a more open approach to its app ecosystem (similar to what Adobe is attempting with their new HLML 5 tools) that will continue to engage both power-users and the masses.
FORBES: iOS 6 Map Flap: Should Apple Let Users Select Alternate Default Apps?
That will threaten the economics of most TV programming and force networks and marketers alike to find new ways to reach elusive masses of ad-evading consumers.
There may be a shortage of new homes but masses of existing ones will find their way to market in 2012 because of the huge pipeline of houses in foreclosure.
Given that we're just days away from seeing what's apt to be a flood of these things at CES, Intel's new Ultrabook portal (and linked "Ultra Excited For Ultrabooks" preview paper) is priming the masses for what to expect.
ENGADGET: Intel's Ultrabook portal jabs at limited functionality of tablets