His employees will toil on a new product, sometimes for years, in total secrecy.
Moroccans tend the sunloungers on the beaches and toil on building sites alongside Bulgarians and Romanians.
But doubts have continued to circulate about the property tycoon's financial backing, as Pompey toil on the pitch.
Most writers toil years on the outskirts of the industry, without ever making a sale.
CNN: Screenwriters chasing the brass ring in the land of dreams
At the 121-acre construction site on Sentosa--the resort island linked to the Singapore mainland by a short causeway--more than 1, 000 workers toil away on around-the-clock shifts.
Thousands of talented engineers and mathematicians toil away on Wall Street and elsewhere in order to figure out some new way to squeeze another penny out of the financial system.
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The European Union's working-time directive, first issued in 1993 and subject to fierce debate again this month in the European Parliament, insists that workers toil no more than 48 hours each week on average (see article).
There is also no word on a massive push for local police forces who toil with low wages and antiquated equipment - the so-called quick response team of the Maharashtra police, for example, has not fired a single shot in the past year because of the lack of ammunition.
So is taking on risk, the task for which our neighbors who toil in the financial vineyards are so richly rewarded.
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The earthy domestics who toil long hours in his apartment building live together in squalid quarters on the sixth floor, and their plight awakens Jean-Louis's long-dormant sense of justice.
WSJ: The Ides of March; The Women on the 6th Floor | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
However, the stylish Dolphins captain turned on the style after tea as India's bowlers continued to toil.
But to reach that stage the Scot, who missed being best man at his brother David's wedding on Friday to attend the weigh-in, first had to toil.
Whether you are retired now or on the cusp of retirement, your savings has been built over many years of toil and saving to provide or supplement your income during retirement.
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