• And across the board, relatively well paid samples of individuals are only trivially more satisfied than comparatively poorly paid samples.

    FORBES: Will A Raise Make You Like Your Job Better? Maybe Not

  • In the apology, Mr Laurie says any technical remedies are "inaccurate, ineffective and trivially avoided" and calls the French court's solution "half-assed".

    BBC: Experts question Yahoo auction ruling

  • There are far too many initiatives because the signature-collection process is trivially easy for those with money (though daunting for those without it).

    ECONOMIST: Direct democracy

  • They camp out for days and become the victims of an unseen master and his nerdy, sadistic minion (Jack Plotnick), and the two story frames converge amusingly yet trivially.

    NEWYORKER: Rubber

  • But this claim seems either trivially true or wrong.

    FORBES: More on Patriotism and Progress

  • Yet Google is a champion of open data, making it trivially easy for any Google user to export their e-mail, bookmarks and other data for use in competing applications on different platforms.

    FORBES: Off With Their Heads! The Fantasy Google Monopoly

  • As Table 2 shows very clearly, the top 0.1% and top 1% of earners (which includes all millionaires and billionaires) had major increases in their income tax payments between 2003 and 2007, both in absolute dollars as well as in their % contribution to total taxes while the 25-50% income group and the bottom 50% income group saw their share of total taxes fall and their absolute tax payments increased trivially.

    FORBES: After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased

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