The report on Dounreay's "seismic and tsunami resilience" has been sent to the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate.
Berman also covered the Indian Ocean tsunami from Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and the steroids scandal in American sports.
Begin with the over-riding fact of the numbing scale of the tragedy from the tsunami itself.
FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators
Five months later, the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan crippled the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
We'll also need a massive new library of tools to deal with this tsunami of data.
The Nikkei lost 1, 143 to 14, 483.98, its worst drop since the March 2011 tsunami disaster.
Humanitarian agencies were working with rescue crews to reach people affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
It was moored at Hachinohe in the Aomori prefecture when the tsunami hit last year.
CNN: U.S. Coast Guard sinks Japanese boat washed away by tsunami
Aggreko agreed to supply power to areas of Japan worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
So, when the Japenese Tsunami hit last summer the production of vehicles went way down.
Yusran says he's no longer afraid of the water, as he was immediately after the tsunami.
Communities have fewer fatalities and property damage if they plan before a tsunami arrives.
No community is tsunami proof, but TsunamiReady can help minimize loss to your community.
The survey also reveals that citizens in all three countries believe that post-tsunami aid remains vital.
The IOC established the world's first tsunami warning system in the Pacific in 1965.
The reactor at Fukushima wasn't designed to withstand a 9.0 earthquake or a 50-foot tsunami.
When a tsunami passes by, the detector records the increased pressure caused by its passage.
ECONOMIST: New ways of tracking these killer waves may help save lives
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center lifted its tsunami watch at 1:18 p.m. in Indonesia.
The power plant's cooling systems failed after the quake and tsunami, leading to the reactors overheating.
The company benefited from increases in Japan following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
If a tsunami reached that high, California would have much bigger problems than a busted reactor.
FORBES: Could San Diego's Oceanside Nuke Plant Survive A Tsunami?
From his smartphone, he captured the scene as the hotel's employees tried to escape the tsunami.
CNN: Witness to disaster: Six months on from Japan's tsunami
To my right, I could see the tsunami heading on towards the northeast corner of Penang.
When the second, larger tsunami (10-15 meters) was spotted, we all ran up to higher ground.
The kickback scheme triggered a short-lived tsunami of stories in local and national news media.
The Tsunami Warning System in the Indian Ocean was launched and is now operational.
On Monday, Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire called for federal help to remove tsunami debris.
WSJ: Pilgrims Flock to Tsunami Relic at Agate Beach in Oregon
Central banks around the world unleashed a tsunami of cash during the third quarter.
But the capital is like heaven compared to the area hit by the earthquake and tsunami.
With the most advanced tsunami warning system in the world, Japan is a global standard setter.
UNESCO: Learning from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami