Especially in these turbulent economic times, exploitation involving wills, trusts and estates is all too common.
Schumpeter's eyes were not on the mainstream but on the turbulent eddies on the sides.
The S3D application models the underlying turbulent combustion of fuels in an internal combustion engine.
ENGADGET: Cray's Jaguar supercomputer upgraded with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, renamed Titan
In these turbulent times, put our decades of experience to work for your portfolio.
FORBES: LightSquared's Amazing June 15th Shocker: We Need More Time!
The 43-year-old fund manager is a rare species in Hong Kong's often-turbulent financial world.
Ten years later, in the midst of a global depression, CEMEX hit turbulent times.
These elections are just another significant step in the turbulent history of this country.
But the letters to Margrethe showed that his transition to Cambridge intellectual circles was turbulent.
BBC: Niels Bohr letters reveal trials of his time in England
His death is not the only one from that turbulent time to be re-examined recently.
The Royal Navy has insisted HMS Turbulent was in Devonport Naval Base throughout the day.
BBC: Bugaled Breizh trawler sinking: Petition calls for debate
Britain and Norway have successfully pumped oil from the turbulent North Sea for decades.
His company, after a turbulent adolescence, has entered a comfortable and prosperous middle age.
Whether it can pull that off in a turbulent stock market remains an open question.
Our team has achieved great things during the most turbulent period in modern media history.
"It was a turbulent five years and unprecedented events took place one after another, " he said.
Kasell began his news career in one of the most turbulent decades in American history.
The conflict threatens to spill across borders to destabilize neighbors in an already turbulent Middle East.
The quiet household is often more turbulent than the household of the tyrant or the drunkard.
Special Offer: How do you keep from getting tossed around in a turbulent market?
It number of turbulent years though, before the apparatus of apartheid was finally dismantled.
Hitler and Mussolini governed atop turbulent fascist parties in uneasy collaboration with existing elites.
The Royal Navy insisted HMS Turbulent was in Devonport Naval Base throughout the day.
And a turbulent, anti-politics mood, stirred by the tea-party movement, is making even incumbents nervous.
ECONOMIST: Nobody loves a tight political race as much as a media firm
But considering other turbulent states in Asia, it seems off to a good start.
Mr Rudd's main target, though, was a turbulent legacy left by John Howard, his conservative predecessor.
Mr Netanyahu will have to zigzag ever harder to keep his turbulent team together.
And we look forward, in these turbulent times of ours, to really further strengthen our relationship.
If only its cast of characters was as fully inhabited as its turbulent city.
The source of all this variability is the turbulent outer layer of the Sun.
The early nineteen-sixties were a turbulent time in American politics, for the right wing in particular.