Feigning innocence, he hid the pack under his arm while the manager searched him.
She slipped under his arm, still tearful but muffling her face in his sweater.
He was clutching a Chuck Berry album, Rockin' at the Hops, and The Best of Muddy Waters under his arm.
CNN: Rolling Stones celebrate 50 years of raucous rock'n'roll
Mr Nakanishi left with a special bottle of Penderyn whisky under his arm, which may have saved him a trip to duty-free at Heathrow.
Mark, complete with his trilby and guitar under his arm, has been on a whirlwind of media interviews at Cheltenham over the last few days.
Kendall, copies of the papers tucked under his arm, looked up at the sky to watch the leaves, red and gold, spinning down toward the earth.
Gripping the inner tube under his arm, he steps over the edge and half slides half stumbles down, feeling the warm sandy earth spilling over the tops of his feet.
My grandfather did not know what to make of his encounter in the smokehouse, but his throat was tight when the blacksmith emerged from his house with the gun under his arm.
While a rosy optimism has fuelled the party in Wall Street (at least until this week), William McChesney Martin would have bolted for the door long ago, punchbowl firmly tucked under his arm.
To use an apt football analogy, just a month ago George Allen was in the open field gliding towards the end zone with the ball under his arm and a smile on his face.
If his many opponents in Brussels hoped he might emerge from the wreckage a changed man - a cappucino-sipping Boulevardier with a copy of the Lisbon Treaty tucked under his arm - they will be disappointed.
Tiye was wearing his plastic-and-steel artificial arm under a long-sleeved white shirt and was expertly raising and lowering his beer with the shiny metal hooks of the prosthesis.
She reached under the cover and pinched El Lobo hard on his arm.
Bluejohn garnered national attention after climber Aron Ralston amputated his own arm to survive an accident that trapped him under a boulder.
Astronaut Stephen Robinson rode a robot arm under the belly of the shuttle and plucked the loose fabric out with his fingers.
Michael Garcia, the chairman of the investigative arm of FIFA's ethics committee, said this issue would fall under his purview, although this case hasn't been formally directed to his office.