The problem comes when it's put under stress, and this is where sorghum really flies.
In a related story, lawyers not under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant.
FORBES: Study: Lawyers Are Tense, Critical, Emotionally Distant
This brings new risks, particularly that the parts will behave differently from the whole under stress.
The test of a product or item is how well it fairs under stress.
"It put everyone under stress thinking there could be body parts everywhere, " he said.
Resveratrol is produced when a vine is under stress for example, due to dehydration or over-exposure to sunshine.
Project FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress) is a program of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
The paper suggests he was under stress to finish his dissertation while working as a member of parliament.
Self-confident, protective and even heroic, under stress they can turn into ego-centric bullies who are secretive and fearful.
In my case, I was slated for a nuclear dye test, both while under stress and while resting.
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And when our financial system is under stress, all Americans bear the consequences.
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Peter said he thought it was understandable that somebody new to the firm would react under stress as he had.
According to a study reported in the ABA Journal, lawyers under stress are tense, overly critical, cautious and emotionally distant.
FORBES: Study: Lawyers Are Tense, Critical, Emotionally Distant
Those of you who have practiced law and who have represented individuals under stress in depositions know that this can happen.
As during that period, the Chinese economy is under stress, with rising expectations running up against the reality of limited opportunities.
Mr. Janousek told reporters who showed up at the scene that he was "under stress, " apologized and offered compensation to the woman.
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It should be doing just the opposite: collecting reserves when times are flush and lowering premiums when the banking system is under stress.
His research finds that people make more rational decisions about what do in a stressful situation when they are not actually under stress.
Most aluminum alloys are much more rigid, which not only transfers more road vibrations to the rider, but also tends to crack easier under stress.
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Still, the purpose of sweating while under stress isn't clearly understood.
When my loved one is undergoing a serious operation as I pace in the waiting room, the surgeon is under pressure while I am under stress.
Might this partly explain why middle-class American kids, who are in general more used to getting what they want right away, so often fall apart under stress?
Under stress tests, unless consumption increases 1%, defaults will occur.
When people are really under stress their psychological and physical resources are drained, so they are less likely to self-regulate hostile behaviors and provide sufficient support for their spouse.
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That, indeed, is the problem in dealing with micronations, which is that in good times they are rational players but under stress you have no idea what they might do.
Having now understood the house's behavior under stress, Kopp and his team will now set about recreate the experiment but this time measuring the load on the nails which lifted.
Sometimes what happens is that sloppy programming sends it careering into the wall it's supposed to avoid, occasionally forcing you to readjust friction-fit pieces that can come apart under stress.
Should European interest rates start to rise, investors may switch back to less risky government bond markets particularly as higher interest rates tend to put heavily indebted junk-bond issuers under stress.
ECONOMIST: Junk bonds: As European as burgers and fries | The
Indeed, they do this so easily, Dr Freund has calculated, that many of them move out of the section of rock under stress altogether, leaving it with a surplus of electrons.
The whole family dynamic, placed under stress by dislocation and dereliction, had been transformed by the confidence that one woman had built from joining with other women to address their needs through microcredit.