High unemployment should encourage saving for contingencies, and the spendthrift postwar babies desperately need to save or else work until death.
If so, this traditionalist pope will prove to have been wise in breaking the papal tradition of staying on the job until death.
Even better, if they held the business until death, their heirs would get a "step up" in its basis, thus avoiding the gains tax, too.
He defended until death, or non-publication, the sanctity of his words.
For instance, a card could be played on some ranged units to tie them to a specific square that they would defend until death, essentially turning them into defensive structures.
In addition, the estate and gift tax will remain "unified, " meaning an individual can use his or her entire exemption to make gifts while alive instead of waiting until death.
The groundbreaking choice fits with the unusual nature of the election: Pope Benedict XVI became the first pope in 600 years to resign from a position that has traditionally been held until death.
It all sounds vaguely plausible, but the first test will, history suggests, come later, when it becomes clear whether Mr Thain and other insiders are buying shares to be held, if not until death, then at least for a long time to come.
Les Hems, research director of the Institute for Philanthropy, another new charity, says donors should be allowed (as in America) to hand over capital to a charity while still enjoying the income and tax relief until death, when the charity gets the whole lot.
The study was designed to measure progression-free survival, which is a measurement of the time from the start of treatment until the disease gets worse or the patient dies, and overall survival, which is a measurement of time from the start of treatment until death.
The most important aspect of the fifty percent divorce rate on our wedding day is our happy belief that we will be among the half of all married couples who will sustain one another, strengthen one another, and, enliven one another until death cleaves us apart.
Tsarnaev's cause of death will not be released until the death certificate is filed with the Boston city clerk, he said.
Until his death, Jozef remained tormented by regret at his failure to take vengeance.
Richard was a royal prince until the death of his brother Edward IV in 1483.
As an 11-year-old, she cared for her grandfather until his death two years later.
His father, also named Lorenzo, ran Polar from 1962 until his death in 1986.
Handel lived next door at 25 Brook Street from 1723 until his death in 1759.
He worked nearly up until his death in 1954 at the age of 84.
King Sihanouk remained an influential figure in Cambodia until his death, despite abdicating in 2004.
Frank Miller, a noted developer, worked on the property until his death in 1935.
He continued to direct almost until his death, releasing his last film, Chargesheet, in September.
He and Ruth Werner remained good friends until his death in 1988, aged 76.
ECONOMIST: Ruth Werner, Soviet spy, died on July 7th, aged 93
Poet Laureate Ted Hughes was patron of the award until his death last year.
While he officially retired from Forbes in 1996, he continued on as a columnist until his death.
He was retired and had lived at the address with his wife Betty until her death in 1992.
Taylor went to Cambridge and delivered a series of lectures, which he repeated every year until his death.
The painter Jacques Majorelle had lived in Marrakech for more than 40 years until his death in 1962.
Later, annual meetings at his Senate office in Washington, and regular financial payments, apparently continued until his death.
He returned home to find a willing collaborator in Vidya (Dad looked after the trading business until his death).