The average wealth and education of voters in the Defence area meant that NA-250 was the place where PTI, which appeals to middle-class and upper-middle-class voters fed up with traditional patronage politics, stood its best chance of winning a seat in Karachi, the country's economic capital.
Passports and foreign vacations, once unthinkable for anyone but high officials or their well-connected kin, are now commonly enjoyed by upper-and middle-class Chinese.
At the same time, Mr Chidambaram estimates that he will earn huge revenues in 2013-14 by taxing the super-rich and upper-middle class.
Dr. Erlich said the technique works best for people who have the highest participation in genetic genealogy services, upper- and middle-class Caucasian Americans.
And many middle and upper-middle class families think that it will impress admission officers if junior has volunteered at a local hospital or participated in some summer program abroad.
The government should not be in the business of giving unearned wealth to any group of citizens, but surely liberals and conservatives both can agree that politicians should not be taking money from middle class taxpayers and giving it to upper-middle class and rich taxpayers.
They appear to have chosen an economic path that essentially penalizes their own middle and upper-middle class residents, believing that keeping up public spending, including on public employee pensions, represents the best way to boost their economy.
And upper-middle class taxpayers take advantage of breaks such as the mortgage interest deduction and subsidies for retirement and employer-sponsored health insurance.
Respondents included 5, 075 college-educated, upper middle class, media-savvy and politically informed individuals from 23 countries, ages 25-64.
Its central relationship, between an upper-middle-class man and his working-class lover, has been described as sentimental, its happy ending dismissed as wish-fulfilment.
Both grew up in upper-middle-class homes and attended college-prep Christian schools.
For Democrats, the bill's tax increase makes good on their party's marquee promise in the 2012 election to raise taxes on upper-income Americans and not the middle class.
"I grew up in an upper-middle-class environment and was well-prepared to take advantage of opportunities I came across, " he says.
And so what you end up with in New York City, is a very small number of very good schools that serve largely middle, and upper middle class kids - and then a large number of not-so-good schools that serve mostly poor kids.
The president wants to raise taxes on the upper income and reduce taxes on the middle-class.
FORBES: Raise Taxes To Kill A Recovery And Nail The Coffin Shut
He was in many ways typical of the Progressives, middle- and upper-class people who were alarmed at what the growth of metropolitan cities and huge corporations were doing to a rustic, egalitarian America.
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Rajaa Alsanea's novel, set in the form of a gossipy internet blog about four upper-middle-class Saudi girls and their calamitous love lives, was officially banned in Saudi Arabia when it was published in Arabic two years ago (and a lawsuit was briefly filed against the author, fortunately away in America studying dentistry).
His mother grew up in an upper-middle-class family but was descended from less-than-noble traders and farmers.
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The prevalence of wide-screen televisions, fancy stereos and home-karaoke machines in Shanghai apartments suggests that this new upper-middle class has more money than it admits to.
Since these are for the most part produced in Rio de Janeiro and feature characters drawn from the upper-middle class, they tend to reflect a world where good-looking white people in expensively casual clothes flit around in a perpetual summer, attended by maids.
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First, nearly all the students and families in the film were from upper-middle-class families.
In Indonesia and the Philippines, 8% to 10% of the people are in the middle-class or upper-class brackets and can afford a cellular phone.
With stock market losses since January a modest 4.5%, despite some hair-raising days, much of the upper middle class and those who have even more money in investments still have money to spend.
FORBES: Retail Sales: Success High and Low, Misery in the Middle
How could you cut tax rates and still increase the share of taxes paid by upper-income Americans relative to middle-class Americans?
My parents are both professors and they now live in a brand new four-bedroom house in an upper-middle-class suburb in Philadelphia.
Dilma Rousseff was born in 1947 and grew up in an upper middle class household in Belo Horizonte, in the coffee-growing state of Minas Gerais.
Customer service and quality gained the upper hand over low pricing, and Waitrose and Sainsbury's emerged as the preferable destination for the growing middle-class segment.
The Mahindra E2O is a four-seater hatchback targeted at upper-middle-class families in need of a second car in congested cities like Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore, where it expected to first go on sale.