The whitepaper does a better job of explaining the problems than providing a solution.
While I have written a detailed whitepaper here, the following is a short synopsis.
This whitepaper compiles a representative sample of ten cases, but easily a hundred or more cases could be presented.
In-Q-Tel invites startups to submit applications for funding through its website, asking for their business plan, a technology whitepaper and leadership list.
The whitepaper notes that Facebook has successfully fought subpoenas for discovery.
This series provides the content of a whitepaper I recently authored.
These consume an order of magnitude greater materials and are key to market size in the outer years, but carry extensive execution risk due to complexities described in our whitepaper.
Additional information on the Cray XC30 supercomputer, including product collateral, technical details and a Cray XC30 networking whitepaper can be found on Cray XC30 system page on the Cray website.
ENGADGET: Cray unleashes 100 petaflop XC30 supercomputer with up to a million Intel Xeon cores
Late last year Intel published, The Future of Knowledge Work, a whitepaper resulting from extensive internal and external research and a Future of the Workplace Summit held in Haifa, Israel.
Heck, read this whitepaper on the advantages of a mobile enterprise application platform over a point solution beforehand, just so you can be better equipped to debate our technical experts .
FORBES: What CIOs Think About Enterprise Mobility...(webinar)
Marketing should share responsibility for revenues and customer experience, but in a recent Eloqua whitepaper only nine percent of marketers surveyed felt customer experience was the most important measurement of their ROI.
For more details about this journey towards a data-driven organization where you are able to get the ROI from your Big Data investment, download The Analytics Maturity whitepaper, with DIY survey to figure out where your organization is stuck.
This is the first of its kind whitepaper to provide you with instant insights and powerful perspectives about what top-tier industries are telling us about building relationships through social media, mobile solutions, big data, interactive technology and online marketing.
FORBES: Big Data Shows The Growing Influence of Hispanics Will Change Business Models