This data has now been stored and maintained to create a multi-year history that grows year-by-year.
Still, as Bonds' skills deteriorated day-by-day and year-by-year, the marriage has to come to an end.
"His leadership is getting better year by year and it should be, " he said.
"But the dreadful memories eat away at you all the time, day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year".
To tide him over he would get in debt, which would grow year by year.
Overall, the main features of the programme are being developed and improved upon year by year.
Coal has displaced some oil, but year by year the average American consumes more energy, not less.
And day by day, week by week, year by year, we slowly make more and more progress.
It is wrong where (as in the U.S. or Europe today) paper money is depreciating year by year.
Today, however, with multi-channel television, the Internet and its mobile versions, the corporation's importance is shrinking year by year.
We know that temperature varies, both through the year and year by year.
FORBES: The Amazing Thing About American Inequality: How Equal The Country Is
"I've two years left at Leeds and then I'll take it year by year depending on the body, " he said.
Britain has become a little more energy efficient, year by year, but there's plenty of scope to push that further.
ECONOMIST: Lessons from Britain about how to cut carbon, and how not to
From the salary medians we constructed a sequence of estimated median incomes, year by year, for each school's class of 1994.
Year by year his classes grow more popular, though you need to be well past amo 12 and fundus 13 to apply.
Ms. MORARJEE: I think that we're looking at a ground swell of resentment here that's been growing and building month on month, year by year.
Year by year they get better, cheaper and easier to network.
But this still commits the party to raising fuel duties year by year in line with inflation, no matter how high the world oil price rises.
If she returns before she turns 17 in September 2012 she will seize the record, set in May this year by 16 year-old Australian Jessica Watson.
The latest data is still being processed but one of the institute's sea ice specialists, Dr Sebastian Gerland, said that though conditions vary year by year a pattern is clear.
The audience take-up rate was slow for the first seven years, because of the expense of the decoders needed to broadcast Ceefax onto TV sets, but soon the service expanded year by year.
The current more flexible targets by the end of each Key Stage will also be replaced by more rigid year-by-year targets, but it is not yet clear how this learning will be assessed.
If the same techniques were applied across the world, the size of the oceanic carbon sink, and its variation year by year, would be known considerably better than the size of the land sink.
In the UK, although the number of new diagnoses is increasing year by year, survival rates have more than matched the increase, because of improved drugs and earlier detection of certain types of cancer.
Those ratios in Japan are being made worse month by month, year by year, by deflation, which at perhaps 4% annually in Japan (measured in consumer prices) is the most pronounced in the world.
The result is a landscape that is changing year-by-year, and week-by-week, as salt water encroaches farther inland.
Instead our statisticians took a year-by-year average of equity performance, weighted by each fund's assets at midyear, and strung those five numbers together to get the family's stock market performance.
The document is divided into five sections - a record of published fiction, money earned by writing, published miscellany (including movies), the earnings of wife Zelda and a year-by-year account of his life.