So, again, Your Majesty, I want to express my great appreciation for our partnership.
You might find thousands and thousands of refugees, not just those that you spoke about, Your Majesty.
President Abbas, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Your Majesty King Abdullah, and President Mubarak - we are but five men.
"Your Majesty, Mummy, " began Prince Charles, as he delivered a touching speech with the right mix of levity and respect.
Sir, I want to ask you, Your Majesty, for how long are you going to keep your borders open for the Syrian refugees?
And, Your Majesty, you have offered Assad asylum, which he rejected.
Your Majesty, last year Jordan managed to break the impasse in the peace process by hosting the Amman talks, bringing Israelis and Palestinians together at the negotiating table.
So Your Majesty, you are always welcome here.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Your Majesty, you've been a driving force for these efforts, and you can be assured that the United States will continue to work with you and Prime Minister Ensour as you build on this progress.
The right does not share your view of the majesty of government.
If you are resident in the UK, and you have substantial liabilities and outgoings in sterling, a bit of inflation will help you service what you owe at the same time as eroding the real value of your assets (or in this case, the real value of your loans to Her Majesty's Government).
British smokers can buy joke stickers which replicate Her Majesty's Government's health warnings in size and style but which read "Buy your own fags" or "Smoking is cool".