• 这个消息消除一切有关公司未来的疑虑。

    The news removed any doubts about the company's future.


  • 两个团体正在学会如何消除它们之间的分歧

    The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.


  • 风险可能完全消除可以通过防范培训来降低。

    You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.


  • 我们致电3位经济学家咨询消除赤字的方法,他们满足了我们的要求,给出了非常直接的答复

    We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.


  • 警察迅速采取行动消除谣言

    The police moved quickly to dispel the rumours.


  • 他们试图消除他们之间的分歧

    They tried to mend their differences.


  • 所有反对计划的力量均消除

    All opposition to the plan has collapsed.


  • 确信足以消除我们分歧

    I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences.


  • 星期疼痛完全消除

    It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.


  • 你们可能挥魔杖消除核武器

    You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.


  • 笑声很快消除紧张气氛

    Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air.


  • 消除君主制神秘感

    His book destroyed the mystique of monarchy.


  • 我们必须消除体育界种族主义

    We need to purge our sport of racism.


  • 总统努力消除未来经济悲观估测

    The president has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy.


  • 其所消除妻子各种恐惧

    He did what he could to allay his wife's myriad fears.


  • 全球化为了经济发展国界消除

    Globalization is the erasure of national borders for economic purposes.


  • 内心愧疚是无法消除的。

    Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind.


  • 几天内麻烦就会消除

    I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days.


  • 治疗师消除怒气。

    My therapist helped me to deal with my anger.


  • 青霉素即可消除感染

    One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.


  • 总统试图消除忽视经济想法。

    The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.


  • 伦纳德带着令人消除怒气微笑走近了

    Leonard approached with a disarming smile.


  • 快速消除压力非常重要。

    It's vital to zap stress fast.


  • 一切怀疑早已完全消除

    Any doubts had long since been swept away.


  • 发言消除了人们身体健康担心

    His speech dispelled any fears about his health.


  • 最新数据应该可以消除通货膨胀担忧

    The latest figures should neutralize the fears of inflation.


  • 通告最终消除一切有关他们未来推测

    The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.


  • 温和的态度甜蜜的语调消除安德鲁的疑虑。

    His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew.


  • 通过戒烟就是消除吸烟所致大多数危害

    By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.


  • 通过戒烟就是消除吸烟所致大多数危害

    By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.


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