Ningbo is blessed with a moderate climate of distinctive seasons and rich produce.
It is surrounded by mountains, and has a moderate climate with wonderful landscapes.
Canned products can easily be transported and stored for a longer period of time under ambient conditions in a moderate climate.
Africa is in the sights of many these days, being a continent that will remain above the waves and with a moderate climate throughout in the Aftertime.
The United States is a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate.
The hillsides here are perfectly suited for growing tea, which requires an even distribution of rainfall throughout the year, moderate temperatures, and a sunny climate.
Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate.
It is not very difficult to simulate this situation with plants in cultivation if you are living in moderate climate zones and cultivate your plants in a greenhouse.
Virginia Beach has a fairly moderate climate and has its hottest days at the end of July and into August.
The Colchagua Valley enjoys moderate temperatures and semi-arid Mediterranean climate. A gentle marine influence creates a balancing effect between warmer daytime and cooler night time temperatures.
Water can store a lot of heat without a substantial rise in temperature, thus helping to moderate climate.
Endowed with moderate climate and fertilesoil, it is a major grain production base in Guizhou and is reputed as the "Breadbasket in EastGuizhou".
Is a subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, in moderate temperature, with a clear dry and wet seasons.
Is a subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, in moderate temperature, with a clear dry and wet seasons.