So just because you make a great cheesecake doesn’t mean you are supposed to sell them, even if everyone tries to tell you that you should.
So just because you make a great cheesecake doesn't mean you are supposed to sell them, even if everyone tries to tell you that you should.
Monarchists had their hopes pinned on William, because he's so much younger, seemingly nicer, and certainly more handsome than his father, even if his looks are fading rapidly.
And for you who are the Wayshowers, amongst the first, it is important, because even if you are not a Gatekeeper, you are holding the energy for so many.
So even if determinism were true of us, that wouldn't rule out our having free will, because you can — appearances to the contrary notwithstanding — have both determinism and free will.
But then sometimes even if you're speaking the words literally you may as well be speaking a different language because some of the underlying cultural assumptions are so different.
Yet, in a simpler sense, it’s not so unrealistic, because even if it will happen more gradually than laid out here, we will indeed run out of oil.
That is because the severe recession has opened up so much spare capacity that it will take a long time to fill even if the recovery proves robust.
It is not really necessary because my reaction time is 0.1 second, so even if I did only one oscillation, that would be enough to see whether it is coincident with that... consistent with that number.
If you can believe it, I actually bought this product again even after it didn't perform so well the first time because it sounds so good, and seems to work for everyone else!
If a test is so complicated that you can't immediately tell it's correct, you don't know whether it's failing because the test is bad or, even worse, whether it's passing erroneously.
It's a necessary evil because even if you don't care about it the browser will still request it, so it's better not to respond with a 404 Not Found.
它是必定存在的,因为即使你不关心它是否有用,浏览器也会对它发出请求,因此最好不要返回一 个404Not Found的响应。
So actually the Internet is flattening out this information gap, if not material gap, because even the poorest kid in China can go online and get information.
So even if they weren't, it's because that's what people believed about these texts.
So even if you end up ponying up some cash initially to help you stop smoking, in the long run you will save on average $3, 000 a year just because you're not buying cigarettes anymore.
Even if Lopez was healthy, Frye would probably win the job anyway because he has been playing so well.
They use their time to help others so even if you are angry because you can't solve some problem, please, calm down and then post your question, to avoid aggressive and abusive language.
Because of the story is familiar, so even if your English level, you can also complete the subtitles, let your ears move.
Even if we tell the same story over and over again, we need to hear it over and over again, because it's so important.
My classmates and I went out of the classroom, run to the playground, no matter how cold the weather, how big of snow, even if the snow to our hot face don't care, because we are so happy, so happy!
They didn't even have to keep more than half an eye on us, because the south wall sentry post was close enough so that the fellows up there could have spit their chews on us, if they'd wanted to.
So if you learn how to look at films and if you are a real film buff, even bad movies will be useful, because they will give you things to develop your sensitivity toward the nature of film itself.
Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, but also a kind of happiness, although this happiness a little pain.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. Even if stock, so is it.
If you could transport yourself to the ring, you wouldn't even know you were there because the particles are so far apart.
If you could transport yourself to the ring, you wouldn't even know you were there because the particles are so far apart.