Users may define an unlimited number of gamma presets, and invoke them via global hotkeys, by menu selection, or by typing the first few letters of a preset's name.
With a menu of options listed on the screen by time and channel, programme selection becomes a doddle.
Selection from among the representations can be performed automatically (if the user agent is capable of doing so) or manually by the user, selecting from a generated (possibly hypertext) menu.
The default selection is restricted to KDE suite, but GNOME applications can be installed by selecting from dropdown menu at the top.
For graphic design, to be called by BIOS INT 10h, the output of a triangle with a menu selection.
Describe the selection of food & beverage menu items to guests by offering interesting, and vivid descriptions of the each item's, origin, taste, and preparation methods.
A menu selection program. It selects menu item by remote control keyboard, and sends the information to PLAYER.
There was no menu to peruse by the way, just a selection of dinner prices so that the chef could determine what dishes to prepare accordingly.
There was no menu to peruse by the way, just a selection of dinner prices so that the chef could determine what dishes to prepare accordingly.