Great usability implies that an interactive product allows its users to efficiently accomplish their goals.
Every layout – from the understated elegance of the traditional career descriptions to the buoyant colors of the resumes for creative professionals – features quality design and great usability.
每一个布局 -从传统职业描述的低调优雅到简单的创意专业简历的简历 -具有质量设计和伟大的可用性。
While giving your website a unique design is great, when it comes to usability, doing what everyone else is doing is best.
It's a great way to prototype a process, publish it to the organization, and get near-instantaneous feedback regarding its usability.
MODx allows you to focus on usability, design, content and building great sites, not on the tools that build them.
These are properties of the system that aren't described as use cases but usually have a great impact on them, involving the system's usability, reliability, performance, and supportability.
Disabling images and displaying all Alt tags quickly reveals usability problems, or just gives you a great deal of information about the images used on a page.
There is a difference between good usability and a great experience.
One great thing about the book is the detailed materials the author provides for conducting your usability tests.
OOP design patterns can offer great advantages such as re-usability, modularity, and maintainability, but it may not be obvious how our web application can benefit from these features.
OOP design patterns can offer great advantages such as re-usability, modularity, and maintainability, but it may not be obvious how our web application can benefit from these features.