Since play fighting includes variations in speed and intensity, and quick role reversals involved with self-handicapping.
Want proof of the difference in speed?
This leads to an increase in performance, especially in speed.
The difference in speed is tiny, but the implications are huge.
The change in speed passed like a wave, backwards through the traffic.
Almost all Web applications could benefit from a substantial increase in speed.
The same test was run using a RAM disk file system to show the difference in speed.
A 70-fold increase in speed for a sevenfold increase in price would seem a bargain.
Mostly I was curious how ElementTree compares in speed and memory to gnosis.xml.objectify.
我极为好奇的是,ElementTree和gnosis . xml . objectify在速度和内存上比较,结果会如何。
In speed terms, there's no difference between float and double on the more modern hardware.
During uploading, the continuing decrease in speed of a long-playing video was significant.
But once the vessel is in motion the additional drag results in only a 3-5% reduction in speed, says Mr Ray.
但是雷说,船一旦开动起来,其附加阻力造成的减速仅在3- 5%。
The browser itself is so much more important a factor in speed and performance than the actual library itself.
A single breath of wind contains small eddies and currents that vary in speed and direction with differentfrequencies.
On the one hand, the iPad can render a new page faster than the Kindle, which could account for the uptick in speed.
In tests against collections of 1 million objects, i4o resulted in speed improvements of roughly two orders of magnitude.
Particularly in technology, the increase in speed one could get from smaller groups started to trump the advantages of size.
Chimps performed much better than university students in speed and accuracy when the Numbers appeared only briefly on screen.
For about 20 years now, CPUs have increased exponentially in speed, while main memory has weakly linearly increased in speed.
And he set the 24-hr. gap between moves to ensure an antiseptic game, with none of the silly blunders you get in speed chess.
Starting with Lotus Notes 6.x, there have been major changes to replication that greatly increase efficiency both in speed and in network usage.
从LotusNotes 6.x 版开始,对复制进行了较大的修改,因此大大提高了速度和网络使用的效率。
By the laws of physics, the increase in drag equals the square of the increase in speed, so even a slightly faster flight requires a lot more fuel.
Threading operations will enjoy an increase in speed; the 2.6 kernel can now handle an arbitrary number of threads and up to 2 billion PIDs (on IA32).
So that's a factor of a thousand increase in speed, which has happened during the time I suppose that the Web was being developed over the last 15 years.
Accelerated 3d graphics would not give us enough overall improvement in speed to balance out the extra work and compatibility problems that we would encounter.
He said that researchers were "surprised" by the amount of drop-off in speed but that for the majority of consumers the slower connection would not be noticed.
Compressing the downloaded cleartext resulted in an average of 30% increase in speed for ClearCase Remote Client view load or update over a WAN connection.
One of the fastest-developing technologies in computing is memory and data storage, which are driven by the constant need for increases in speed and storage size.
Use these statistics to decide that two tasks are either clearly distinguished in speed (means greater than three standard deviations apart), or else that they overlap.
A study by Internet research firm Epitiro said the differences in speed is particularly noticeable when a large amount of data is being transferred over a wi-fi connection.