To interpret as a myth or in terms of mythology.
Little is known about how these cells transform acoustic waves into neural signals that we interpret as sound, Heller said.
So what the wounded newcomers sometimes interpret as condescension is actually more along the lines of teaching someone to ride a bicycle.
When you learn the trading skill of risk acceptance, the market will not be able to generate information that you define or interpret as painful.
Russia has been sending patrols of military aircraft over the Baltic Sea recently in what Lithuanians interpret as an attempt to intimidate them.
Even though there's four bytes the length of the string is consistent with what a human being would interpret as the length 3 of the string which is 3.
Of course, the only thing we ever "see", really, is the activation of our retinal cells - that's what our brains interpret as light from the outside world.
Of course, the only thing we ever "see, " really, is the activation of our retinal cells — that's what our brains interpret as light from the outside world.
I am unmoved by the sort of historicism that seek to reassemble East and West or any kind of nostalgia for the Japanese part, which I interpret as only interlude.
I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal.
The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed.
Remote sensors enable algorithms to interpret a field's environment as statistical data that can be understood and useful to farmers for decision-making.
You interpret this as a sign—a polite one—that he is interested in you as a person rather than just in the topic of conversation.
When they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe.
The scientists interpret the girls' excitement as meaning they are trying to understand what they have just seen.
I am not one of those lunkheads who interpret evolution as meaning only the fittest survive and their survival proves that they deserved to outlast other species.
The anti-Thaksinites interpret this as criticism of the monarchy, an offence punishable by 15 years in jail.
But couples in conflict rarely interpret negative feelings as signals to balance the drives for autonomy and connection.
Yet it would be wrong to interpret this deal as signalling new thinking on industrial policy.
Several Hindu communities shave their men as part of religious rites, and scholars interpret the act as returning the participant to an infantile condition, without hair or gender.
If he's described as somebody who's insecure and nervous, you could interpret my activity as nervous twitches.
She seemed to interpret this as friendliness.
I interpret it as the use of imagination to excel the beloved or to appreciate the beautiful things.
Thus, when facing a disaster, one person might interpret it as a challenge to be mastered, another as a certain defeat, while a third might see it as the punishment he or she deserves.
Thus, when facing a disaster, one person might interpret it as a challenge to be mastered, another as a certain defeat, while a third might see it as the punishment he or she deserves.