Chinese consumers now contribute almost as much as America's to global consumer spending growth, while Chinese investment has outstripped the US since 2001.
And for the purposes of investment decisions, the second group didn't matter; tracking its spending habits or worrying over its savings rate was a waste of time.
Given the scale of the spending, some money is sure to have been wasted, but by and large, investment in roads, railways and the electricity grid will help China sustain its growth in the years ahead.
But the big problem with consumer spending is that if you buy a product made outside the U. S., it doesn't encourage domestic investment. And that's what we really need.
Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, finds that Americans spend 28% of their media time online, yet only 13% of total AD spending is devoted to the Internet.
Chart 2 plots China's official growth rate against an alternative estimate calculated by Dragonomics from expenditure data (ie, investment, household spending and exports).
Stephen King and Ian Morris of HSBC point out that growth in consumer spending, total investment and exports in this cycle has been correspondingly feeble.
Somewhat surprisingly, there was a modest slowdown in 2014, with investment in the first half lower than a year earlier, largely due to a fall in spending on energy projects.
Any tightening in corporate spending at home would be a problem for Germany as weak rates of business investment are already holding back the recovery.
We are spending billions to increase capacity on the Tube by 30 percent, in what is the biggest investment seen in decades.
Another lesson from the Depression is that spending on infrastructure helps, and can also be an excellent long-term investment.
Lower corporate bond rates will encourage investment. And higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can also spur spending.
The registration institution ACTS according to its actual investment condition "Business License" the spending limit column the replenishment really to give the spending limit number after it.
The registration institution ACTS according to its actual investment condition "Business License" the spending limit column the replenishment really to give the spending limit number after it.