Manfred the elephant reached out with his trunk and gently scooped up the baby.
Maloney unlocked his trunk and took out some coveralls.
As her daddy opened the trunk, he pulled out a black top hat, a long black cane and black tap shoes.
The boy held the trunk and tried to pull it out. But it didn't move at all.
The important thing is that my team is responsible for getting the problem sorted out, and that we need to sort it out on our own work branch (not on the trunk).
The fir tree is black at the trunk, white out at the edges.
Maybe it takes a while to make a new release from the trunk, with new features and all, so we want a simple "hotfix" mechanism to get bugfixes out the door faster.
And if you're thinking about getting cute, trying to trunk one of those tools out of here, Brady's got the Outlines of every single piece of hardware in there.
Well because there's another team out there, and they will publish to the trunk whenever they finish a story!
The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding.
They basically rolled up, opened the trunk, tossed him out and drove off.
She took me to her bed room, had me open her trunk, and got out several packages of letters from Sam Clemens.
A Woodman was felling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, glancing off the trunk, flew out of his hands and fell into the water.
Just as I am about to get out of the car and pretend to look in the trunk, the passenger door opens.
Because an interpreter is not available, U.S. Marines use hand gestures to ask the driver to step out of the car and open the trunk and hood for inspection.
The nose project reports that they have support for parallel tests now committed to their project trunk, but normal users will have to wait for the next release before trying it out.
Um, lots of people, it turns out, thanks to the availability of these lightweight sleeping-bag-shaped products from Grand Trunk Goods and tons of the other manufacturers.
Expand the trunk and choose the subclipse folder, then click Finish to check out your own copy of the subclipse project's source code.
"We're not debating if you should be taking out loans... we know that's a bad idea... we're asking, 'Is it worth your time?'" Trunk says.
Aunt Pitty: Uncle Peter, look out for that trunk!
I have since held on to this trunk box, which I was able to transport out of Zimbabwe with the aid of peacekeeping soldiers under the guise of conveying my personal effects without anybody knowing.
I also found out that they don't like it when you break their hive in half when you open the trunk to get out a spare tire.
Today, I found out that bees like to make hives in odd places, like in your vintage car's trunk.
A tall man would step out, quickly open the trunk and dash up to each house before getting back in the car.
He used his trunk to pick the scooter up out of the truck.
Harry heaves his trunk out to the front door.
Harry heaves his trunk out to the front door.