Reporters and security surrounded Henson Studios, anticipating the arrival of limousines delivering the stars Monday afternoon for what is expected to be a marathon recording session.
Oh-ah-and let me know how the recording session goes!
The next month, he called Helms into the studio in Nashville for a recording session.
Norris: : Let's listen. We have some audio from that recording session when he's recording these names.
The nearest thing was one day when I came home early from a recording session and caught her in the living room.
The hardest part for us is finding time where the kids are occupied and we can leisurely have a recording session.
The recording session will reveal how you react in an actual performance, for example, if you make a mistake or have a blackout.
Through exercise, she has found that her breathing and vocal range can be extended to last an entire concert or recording session.
When the recording coordinator mentions offhandedly, halfway through the recording session, that we can make corrections if we wish, I do.
It is easy to be distracted during a recording session and have unexpectedly long think times that have an adverse effect on a load test.
The comments make it easier to understand the purpose of the test and where you can possibly split the test after the recording session completes.
Yes, change your strings before that important recording session and no, adding compression to increase sustain is not a suitable substitute.
Armstrong was such a powerful player, it's said he had to stand 15 feet behind his partners on a 1923 recording session, to avoid upsetting the sound balance.
This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio. 150 full-color, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.
At the retreat, absolutely no talking is allowed except for a one-hour counselling session a day, and recording a short diary on tape.
Recording a Rational Quality Manager session with the HTTP Proxy recorder of the SOA quality extension generates complex test scenarios, which are difficult to understand and to handle.
记录Rational QualityManager与SOA质量扩展HTTP代理记录器之间的会话,会生成复杂的测试场景,它会很难理解和处理。
Both of these perform basic Web session functions, such as recording and playback, but lack many of the useful features available in commercial products, such as Rational Performance Tester.
这两个都执行基本的Web会话功能,例如记录和回放,但是缺少许多商业产品,例如,RationalPerformance Tester,中的有用特性。
Both of these perform basic Web session functions, such as recording and playback, but lack many of the useful features available in commercial products, such as Rational Performance Tester.
这两个都执行基本的Web会话功能,例如记录和回放,但是缺少许多商业产品,例如,RationalPerformance Tester,中的有用特性。