Alan Macfarlane, professor of anthropological science at King's College, Cambridge has, like other historians, spent decades wrestling with the enigma of the Industrial Revolution.
Benjamin Moser sets out to crack the enigma.
However, the previous answer to the enigma may be inaccurate.
All these constitute the enigma of Kipling's place in literature.
The army, navy and Luftwaffe each had specialized versions of the Enigma.
But this is nothing compared with the enigma of Little Pepper's "Fried potato in hot sauce."
The Enigma code was broken by Allied cryptanalysts, helped in part by the capture of machines and code tables.
Pearl's inevitable tendency to hover about the enigma of the scarlet letter seemed an innate quality of her being.
In the history of cryptography, the Enigma was a portable cipher machine used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages.
It is also the function mechanism of how SHRM have on firm's performance, regarded as the enigma of "black box" long before.
The Enigma illusion, almost three decades after its creation in 1981 by Leviant, continues to inspire visual science as well the visual arts.
My only consolation was that, as I was equally unable to explain the enigma to them when they came to me for a solution, neither of them had to lose any money over it.
Companies, accustomed to being protected, were too slow to change, says Karel Van Wolferen, author of "The Enigma of Japanese Power", published 20 years ago this year.
Those of you with backgrounds in history or we've seen -- or remember World War II with technologies that were used in it might know of the Enigma machine, which is kind of the same idea.
In addition to the complexity of the Enigma machine itself, its operating procedures became increasingly complex, as the German military wanted to make Enigma communications harder to code break.
Iran remains an enigma for the outside world.
The origin of these peculiar glassy spheres remains an enigma.
I became convinced that this story was every bit as exciting and significant as that of Enigma and the breaking of German codes in the Second World War.
The human remains of what you term 'Spirit Cave man' found in Grimes Point is an enigma to your anthropologist.
The abstract painter Clyfford Still is a craggy enigma of American art.
Alan Turing, a mathematician most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes, was convicted of 'gross indecency' in 1952 and sentenced to chemical castration.
Did this man belong to the double enigma of order and disorder?
The actual origin of the @ symbol remains an enigma.
The actual origin of the @ symbol remains an enigma.