I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.
I shouted to him to open the gate.
He demanded of me to open the gate.
The guard refused to open the gate.
The engine started, and I ran to open the gate.
I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me.
The ideal is to open the gate of happiness power, ideal is worth fighting for.
Would you like to open the gate of your heart and finally find the huge potential abilities of yourself?
Each may find their lost dreams within the unconscious as they begin to open the gate unto such and integrate it in ascension.
When the cableway carried on its operation, please don't stand up or walk through the carriage, and no try to open the gate or window.
Shared pleasant feelings such as kinship, friendship and love as contained in the appeal of advertisements make it easy to open the gate of human memory.
I am proud to say that each summer I am the one in the ranch to open the gate for a van full of young men who need someone to believe in them, so they can learn to believe in themselves.
My sometime wife always warns son to say current of the wrong person is numerous, Monclear, defiance to come to pillage in the day, secluded password not to, determinedly taboo to open the gate.
As soon as he reached the great gate, he seized the bars, and tried to shake them, shouting, "Open! Unbar the gates!"
The ideological gate was beginning to swing open: Comrades knew what they had believed in did not work, and were looking for something new.
When he came to crown us with joy the gate was shut, but now when he comes with his gift of sorrow his path must be open.
The Atlantean Crystals open the etheric gate, the dimensional portals that will allow mankind of carbon based life to interface with those of bio-plasmic life.
You are the ones on earth who open the gate to the light.
In the morning, only one gate is open, through which parents head off to work and children go to school.
As he pushes open the gate and passes up the wide white walk, he sees a flutter of female garments; his wife, looking fresh and cool and sweet, steps down from the veranda to meet him.
One evening, I saw some residents of Nanjiecun stop outside the north gate of town to browse at a bustling open-air market.
We arrived at Fontana Village, and one of the staff members slid open a heavy iron gate to admit the car.
They took hostages, and told us that they would open the gate to us at noon, and bade us tarry till then.
But they did not open the gate, so he took his lute and began to play it most beautifully with his two front feet.
As I turned to enter my yard I started to lock the gate, and then I thought, "No, I'll leave it open."
I nodded and swung the gate open to let him in the yard.
If you don't hop down there quick like a bunny he'll open the gate to the hell.
If you don't hop down there quick like a bunny he'll open the gate to the hell.