There wasn't a breath of wind – the branches were motionless.
There were now four men, three seated on the bed, one standing near the door-post, all four with bare arms and motionless, with faces smeared with black.
Around the fire were twelve stones, and on each stone sat a motionless figure, wrapped in a large mantle, his head covered with a hood which fell over his eyes.
He was motionless, all but for one finger that moved up and down in front of his face as if he were marking time with it.
You were so motionless, so utterly still that it never even looked at you; you were part of that rock, part of the environment.
For a very long time, faces in games were pretty much completely motionless.
The two men were now halfway up the Denon Wing's entry tunnel, and Langdon could see the twin ascending escalators at the far end, both motionless.
You were standing there, motionless, staring into the distance.
I remember big white clouds were swimming by, slowly and very high up, and the hot summer day lay motionless upon the silent earth.
I remember big white clouds were swimming by, slowly and very high up, and the hot summer day lay motionless upon the silent earth.