They made across with some wood sticks, and then Judie painted a butterfly on a piece of whitepaper.
For the enterprise, the whitepaper proposes a similar approach.
Included with this whitepaper is a component for enabling.
Is sharing a free copy of BMS whitepaper with this catching topic.
The whitepaper provides a detailed view of SQL Azure architecture.
The whitepaper explains several details of the phaser concept.
For more detailed information refer directly to Kalen's whitepaper.
There are also a number of additional resources listed in the whitepaper.
In order to download this whitepaper, please fill out the form below.
WhichPLM? Is sharing a free copy of BMS whitepaper with this catching topic.
Further information can be found on the product web site and the SSDS whitepaper.
The whitepaper was available at the time I visited it without any registration.
This kit contains the following demos, podcasts, webcasts, whitepaper, and articles.
The 'Phaser' concept and name was coined in this whitepaper by a team at Rice University.
Phaser “这个概念和名字是由Rice大学的一个团队在一份白皮书中创造出来的。”
It basically consists of a free-form text field that allows editing whitepaper-like documentation.
In the cloud economics whitepaper, Rolf and Michael identify three areas for significant economies of scale.
Microsoft has a whitepaper that talks about how this can be done automatically with something called Doloto.
A Microsoft whitepaper presents the details of building such an IaaS platform with the upcoming server OS from Redmond.
Please could all whitepaper authors let me know their availability for speaking at PICNIC06 in Amsterdam next month?
There are plenty of topics on the VMware Communities forums, as well as this whitepaper from VMware on the replacement process.
Finally, the whitepaper talks about formalizing service contracts and making services visible, typically using service registry.
The company had already revealed their intention to become certified, and the implementation details are now described in a free PDF whitepaper.
该公司透露了他们取得认证的目的,实现细节可参照免费的PD F白皮书。
This whitepaper describes the key architecture and lifecycle principles for the convergence of SOA, BPM and EA in support of a business and it alignment platform.
The whitepaper "Modeling stateful resource with Web services" (see the Resources section below for a link) proposes an Implied resource pattern for accomplishing this task.
白皮书“Modelingstateful resource withWebservices”(请查阅下面的参考资料部分以获得它的链接)提出一个隐含的资源(Impliedresource)模式来完成这项任务。
Benchmarking in general does require experimentation and is very much application-specific, but this whitepaper should provide a good primer for those wanting to get their feet wet.
The cloud Computing Use Cases whitepaper, as well as these discussions that will add the topic of migrating to the cloud in the next version of the paper, is an ongoing process.
I'm not sure it's the sort of thing that warrants a standard, but I could see it evolving into a whitepaper, similar to the semantic versioning one published by the OSGi Alliance.
Simultaneously with the publication of this whitepaper, a first public CTP (community technology preview) of Visual Studio 2010 is going out as a Virtual PC image for everyone to try.
与该白皮书一同发布的还有VisualStudio 2010的第一个公开的CTP(社区技术预览),它通过VirtualPC映像发布,任何人都可以试用。
This whitepaper describes key architecture and lifecycle principles to achieve that architectural convergence, and suggests adoption patterns based on the needs and maturity of an organization.
This whitepaper describes key architecture and lifecycle principles to achieve that architectural convergence, and suggests adoption patterns based on the needs and maturity of an organization.