Wheat farmers there traditionally plant winter wheat one year, leave the field fallow for a season, and use conventional tillage before the next wheat planting.
China will increase spending to pledge more than 333m mu (22.2m hectares) of winter wheat nationwide this year.
Worries are focused on dry weather in the northern hemisphere, which is affecting next year's winter wheat crop - planted recently - in producers such as the us and Russia.
For example, the farmland of winter wheat should be reduced in northern China, while southern China, rich in water resources, should maintain multi-cropping.
Some will plant winter wheat, but it will be sown late and will not pay, not enough to cover the costs of reclaiming the land.
The fields at Agincourt were thick with mud, having recently been plowed for winter wheat and soaked in a heavy October shower.
The process begins with his hauling sacks of winter wheat and ends with his delivering bottles to customers.
America's winter wheat plantings are up 4% and the spring-sown area is likely to rise more.
This goes a long way towards explaining why chipmakers, like farmers, have a tendency to oversupply the market, particularly if they sell memory chips, an undifferentiated product (like winter wheat).
In one set of plots, she is comparing the traditional 2-year, wheat-fallow rotation with a 3-year cycle of no-till winter wheat, followed by a second crop of no-till winter wheat, followed by sorghum.
Oncoming traffic, mostly motorcycles and homemade diesel-powered jalopies called jugards, gave way as the Lohar moved down the narrow road past mustard fields and rippling winter wheat.
迎面而来的车辆大部分是摩托车,破旧的国产柴油车,纷纷给Lohar部落让路。 他们穿过芥末田,麦地,沿着狭窄的公路,浩浩荡荡。
Winter wheat is the most important food crop in North China Plain, normally, it sown along with barely in early fall after the harvesting of summer crops such as broomcorn and soybeans.
The winter wheat yields with conservation tillage practices were improved in the 2nd year, increased by 3%, 5% and 8% with RT, NT and SS, respectively, compared with CT.
连续采用保持耕作措施的第2年冬小麦产量增加,少耕、免耕和深松处理的产量分别较对照增加3%、5 %和8%。
He added the winter wheat harvest, which accounts for 90 per cent of the country's entire harvest, would definitely be down from last year.
A field experiment was conducted to study effects of root pruning at returning green stage on population structure, soil water and yield formation of winter wheat.
The drought stress from jointing to heading stage decreased nitrogen nutrition efficiency of winter wheat significantly.
Together they produce more than 80 percent of China's winter wheat.
He embarked on the preparations for planting winter wheat immediately after he had finished harvesting corn.
Winter wheat is one of main grain crops of our country. It has different demand for meteorological factors according to different growth stage.
Winter wheat yield was more sensitive to rainfall and spring maize yield more influenced by previous crop stubbles in rotation system.
Based on plant growth analysis theory, this paper studied the plant growth characteristics of winter wheat under sprinkler and surface irrigation conditions.
Influences of environmental factors on water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat grown in field under different water treatment were studied.
In the filling duration of winter wheat, the formation time of the component parts in grain protein differs from each other.
The protein metabolic inhibitors, such as ethionine and p-fluorophenylalanine, interfere with the vernalizing process of winter wheat also at its middle period.
The number of total stems of winter wheat reached the highest before overwintering stage and declined after overwintering.
The results showed that EM microbial compost increased winter wheat and summer maize yields significantly.
The results show that winter wheat exhibits strong anisotropic characteristics in the solar principal plane.
The results show that winter wheat exhibits strong anisotropic characteristics in the solar principal plane.