All this time Colonel Killigrew had been shouting out happy drinking songs while his eyes turned towards the curvy body of the Widow Wycherly.
VOA: special.2010.10.23
So there is a kind of grammar of race that this boy is learning while he experiences language in all these other more visceral, family-oriented ways.
It's Laura who cries at Dean's abandonment, while he maintains this composure, this masculine composure: "he'll be all right." But, the sadness here is surely Sal's.
And similarly, while we're at it--this is not a Matrix-like worry-- if you're worried about, yeah, but what's happening ? to world poverty while I'm doing all of this?
Does he fully intend to obey this command, to annul the covenantal promise with his own hand? Or does he trust in God to intervene? Or is this a paradox of faith? Does Abraham intend faithfully to obey, all the while trusting faithfully that God's promise will nevertheless be fulfilled?
It's the sensation of what it's feeling like-- that's why we call them feelings after all-- what it's feeling like on the inside,as it were, while all this behavioral stuff's going on.