He would be consumed with the consideration of whether to bury it here or whether to bury it there -- or should he bury it two feet under, or maybe he should bury it six feet under?
Well, now we're talking some real after inflation returns that can be consumed.
So this will be total quantity of goods produced by Firm 1 and goods produced by Firm 2 that are consumed.
But even so, he says, the animal's life is to be treated with reverence, and the blood which is the life essence must be poured out on the ground, returned to God, not consumed.
Well Jenkins makes the argument that people are eating too much of everything, and that every part of the diet is being over-consumed and--except for things like fiber, which is being under-consumed, but every sort of thing that people should be eating less of is being over-consumed.
The water soluble vitamins tend to be used more immediately by the body not stored and excreted through the urine if consumed in excess, so the body can tolerate more variation in intake of these before you start getting toxicity than is the case with the vitamins on the right.