They emerge from this indifferent primal realm, This mixture of salt and sea waters, that is the source of all being and the source of ultimate power, But they age and they mature and they fight and they die.
So they are still engaged in the hermeneutic enterprise in interpretation The formalists are really relatively indifferent to questions of meaning and to questions of interpretation.
Now, I doubt if there's anybody here who is indifferent between the choices, indifferent with regard to the choice between these two lives.
He does not need to hear justice praised for its benefit, he's indifferent to the consequences.
I think of it as a kind of reply to that famous question in "Leda and the Swan"; that is, "did she put on his knowledge with his power before the indifferent beak could let her drop?"
But he was not indifferent to foreign food.
Are you indifferent,or do you care whether you're one of the people who's already had it ? or somebody who hasn't yet had it?
In the meantime, Trotsky's book is a shot fired across the bow of those forms of "aestheticism"--quote, unquote -which can be understood as self-involved, self-preoccupied, and indifferent to history and class struggle.
You might say, look, if we're not indifferent between these two lives, that's because we think the overall shape of your life matters as well.
Being so caught up, So mastered by the brute blood of the air, Did she put on his knowledge with his power Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?