North Korea contends the April 5 missile firing was a satellite launch to which it was entitled under international law.
VOA: standard.2009.04.14
We'll have another version of this when we think about Lolita, which in your edition has an essay at the end called "On a Novel Entitled Lolita."
If you do that, the employee is entitled to special protections, under American statutes.
An exhibit entitled "Joseph Beyrle - Hero of Two Nations" opened Thursday at the World War II Museum in Moscow.
VOA: standard.2010.05.07
One of them is as a shareholder and the shareholder gets a share-- is entitled to a share--of the profits.
The court ruled that Franken is "entitled" to the senate seat, but stopped short of ordering the governor to officially certify him.
VOA: standard.2009.06.30
If not, if they were entitled to whatever it was that enabled them to gather the wealth, the first principle is matched.
"Everyone is entitled to free health care at the time of need, both in relation to consulting their general practitioner, and to hospital treatment and operations.
VOA: standard.2009.09.24
That's in Exodus 21:26-27. Moreover, the slave is entitled to the Sabbath rest and all of the Sabbath legislation. And quite importantly, a fugitive slave cannot be returned to his master.
civilian legal system. "Under domestic criminal law, the moment the person is in the hands of the United States government, they are entitled to be told they have a right to a lawyer and can remain silent,"
VOA: standard.2009.11.25
And then if 5 is true that the soul is really invisible, we are entitled to conclude 6 The soul can't be destroyed.
"It has become increasingly clear that Tony Blair misled parliament on more than one occasion and I think that MPs were invited to make their own judgment on the merits of the case for war and they were entitled to do so on the truth and it looks very much as though that the truth was withheld from parliament and many MPs may well have made a different decision if they had had the full unvarnished truth,".
VOA: standard.2009.12.13
I think we're fully entitled to ask why: why Milton waits for the last eight lines of his poem to tell us that there's a difference, that there's a difference between the poet and the speaker.
And the sermon was entitled "Living With Wisdom".
Our presentation is entitled "From the Classroom to the World".
Or as he puts it a little bit later whoever is entitled to participate in an office involving deliberation or decision-making is a citizen of the city. Listen to the words he uses there in describing a citizen.
So, I'm going to ask you to read the afterword, " On a Book Entitled Lolita." When you read that, you'll notice that the word "throbs" comes back.
This is the framework in which the then most prominent intellectual in France writes an essay at the very peak of the student uprising, entitled "What is an Author?"
If you go back to the Declaration of Independence, it doesn't say: "We Americans believe these truths to be self-evident. " It says: "We believe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, and all men are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happyness."
We are rather entitled to the bolder conclusion the soul can't be destroyed. Full stop.Period.
If I can use science fiction to talk about the possibility of splitting, and use that against the personality theory, I'm entitled to use science fiction examples to talk about the possibility of bodies splitting,and ask, what kind of problem that would raise for the body theory?
Notably, I put on the website for March 5th, under our class syllabus, a New York Times article about him entitled, "Curiosity Has Its Merits."
If we got 1, 2 and 3, we are entitled to the bold conclusion.
Now, one might expect that the author of a book entitled The Prince would favor the great, would favor the grandi, those who desire to rule.
You will be--you are entitled to receiving the dividends that are paid out of earnings for the rest of your life and you can give it to your children and maybe in two hundred years from now it'll be worth a lot; probably not, but it might be.