Milton can join his voice to the angel choir and have the honor of being first to greet the "Infant God."
I'm original, so Angel Man is my own creation,
So according to Exodus, this Passover ritual was established on Israel's last night of slavery while the angel of death passed over the dwellings that were marked with blood.
And it's her only her humility, the sense of not being able to, that allows her space to be able to do what is proposed to her by the angel Gabriel.
I love this because I would go around to all these angel investors 0 and VCs and charge them $5 or $50 to show them my new idea.
In these movies, there'd be a little angel above your head that tells you when things are wrong.
It's an evil git versus an indignant angel and we can put the payoff matrix together by combining the matrices we had before.
I started having this vision and this angel appeared to me and this all happened."
Every day is in eternity! Everyman's an angel!
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!
The desire to be first is really central to this poem and it continues in this stanza: Have thou the honor first thy Lord to greet And join thy voice unto the Angel Choir, From out his secret Altar toucht with hallow'd fire.
Of course,these are also theological matters, and so I'm not trying to say anything here today to argue you out of the theological conviction that God will resurrect the body or God will transplant your personality into some new angel body, but if you believe in the personality theory, that will be you,or what have you.
I remember when I was a kid, I read this book by Thomas Wolfe called Look Homeward Angel, and in the end he says, "oh lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again."
So some have noted, one scholar in particular has noted that The struggle with the angel is the final purging of the unsavory qualities of character that marked Jacob's past career.
I might not know whether I'm playing someone who's an evil git or an indignant angel.
The lamb will then be eaten as a family meal, and its blood will be smeared on the doorposts to mark the house so the angel of death knows to pass over that house -handy and the pun works in Hebrew, as well as English, In addition, each family is to eat unleavened bread.
So again, imagine that you know you're an evil git, but you know that the person you're playing against or with, is an indignant angel.