Everyone, according to the logic ofAreopagitica everyone has the potential to assume the inner authority of conscience and self-discipline.
Some scholars assume there's a historical memory behind the elaborate and dramatic story of a miraculous redemption by God.
It's in this period that Milton increasingly begins to adopt, or assume, Saint Peter's confident and denunciatory rhetoric.
So that means that we assume that it's better to have limbs and functioning limbs than not to have them.
I'm going to generalize from our simple story even more by saying that, let's not assume that we have equally-weighted.
The best of them are winnowed out to pursue further study and eventually assume positions of public leadership and responsibility.
Let's just assume that the rows are the same even though they're not and let's examine the following thing.
So let's assume that epsilon prime is greater than epsilon.
That happens because of space issues that you were asked to do that, because you can always assume that all of the core orbitals are already going to be filled.
Let's assume, for sake of argument, the thing I'm looking for is bigger than this. In that case, I'm going to throw away all of this, I'm going to hit that bottom line of that code.
But, he got a teaching job, and so he zoomed back to Denmark to assume his teaching duties.
If you assume that, you are not playing by the rule, we don't know what force it exerts.
Let's assume that the user typed in a pretty short word we didn't run out of memory or anything crazy so here's the new feature.
For a minute just assume that we can do this and I'm going to show you how to do it on the next slide.
Note also that Cain is culpable, and for someone to be culpable of something we have to assume some principle that they have violated.
A lot of people get complacent during normal times and they assume that normal times will go on forever.