Now the word "first" begins to take on a much bigger range of significances than we might at first think.
And um, eventually, at first, I was just, you know, sitting in, but then I had to take a licensing exam
And that's what Neal Cassady was to them at first, a kind of wanderer who wanted to be in their intellectual, but bohemian, circle.
So at first this might seem very limited in terms of functionality for you but when I first logged in to that cloud, recall that my prompt looked like this.
And at first this was done by Davidson and Germer, and they were American scientists who tried diffracting electrons from a nickel crystal.
At first I wasn't sure if I could continue it.
So, that's a funny property of conventional mortgages -that the mortgage balance declines very slowly at first and then it falls rapidly when it comes to maturity.
So, what I want to do is, I want to discuss the scientific notion of language, at first restricting myself to systems like English and Dutch and American sign language and Navajo and so on.
Well,at first glance,you might think the answer is, look,you exist,you're alive,whatever it is--; as I said,I'm just going to be loose now, I'm going to put aside all the careful distinctions I just drew-- I'm still around as long as my body is P-functioning.
And you know, at first, the student, he just had no joy in whatsoever.
It can be a little bit intimidating at first.
Next time to the Enlightenment and some people whom you might not think of at first glance would seem terribly enlightened.
Yeats at first thought to call this poem "What Is Joy?"
At first there was doubt and controversy, which has completely gone away, as more and more examples of this writing have become available and scholars are now able, by and large, to be confident that they know what these things say.
It's, because sometimes it's generally tough at first,
it's always going to be hard at first,