We'll come back to that in a second, but let me make a different remark before we get there.
and there's one more... It's escaping me right now, but maybe I'll come back to it.
I would come right back to you with yeah, you intuited that but can you explain to me what you were hearing?
Let me show you a little example, and then we'll come back to this.
Now, I'll come back to that sort of argument in just a minute, but let me bracket that for a moment and say something about Plato.
Let me come back to that one.
And so do these three things, if you don't get an "A" then you can come back and talk to me about it later.
and then they offered me a full time job to come back as a senior.
And it would make me proud to be able to come back
.. Let me come back now-- I want to go through these three themes.
Well, this is the question raised by the skeptic about skepticism or about theory and it's one that we're going to take rather seriously, but we're going to come back to it because there are ways, it seems to me, of keeping this question at arm's length.
I'm given an integer that's a perfect square, and I want to write a little piece of code that's going to find the square root of it. All right so I'm cheating a little, I know it's a perfect square, somebody's given it to me, we'll come back in a second to generalizing it, so what would the steps be that I'd use to walk through it?
What's happening and interests me acoustically, and again we'll come back to it, is that we're getting up toward here, and notice how these pitches in terms of the ratio frequencies are getting very close together.
and he cleans all the pieces embosses them and polishes them and then reassembles the whole thing and a week later I come back and ask "Where is my watch?" And he hands it to me.
Let me come back to that argument later.
I going to come back in a second to how it actually does that, but it basically says, get me x value for p 1, get me the x value for p 2, compare them, just as you would normally.