The moon was compared to Satan's shield, and Milton was preparing us then for this radically ambiguous status of this providential moon.
And the tickets are really cheap, at least compared to what you would be paying for them normally.
And what you find is when you have a bonding orbital, the energy decreases compared to the atomic orbitals.
I'm hot, compared to the air of the room, or cold if I'm somewhere that's warm.
This shows the greatly magnified compared to the size of a cell because viruses are much, much smaller than cells.
When we think about what we eat, we can compare what people eat compared to dietary recommendations.
And so this one you didn't choose is then tainted and you turn and then when compared to a third one you favor that third one.
After decades of relatively unspectacular growth, compared to the east Asian economies, India's economy suddenly took off three or four years ago, growing at 8% or more a year.
We know there is no thing called a massless rope, but most ropes have a mass, but maybe negligible compared to the two blocks you are pulling, so we'll take the idealized limit where the mass of the rope is 0.
我们都知道无质量的绳子是不存在的,是绳子就有质量,但是相比于这两个物体就可以忽略不计了,所以我们有了这个理想的条件,即绳子的质量都是 0
People tend to think that British people have posh English accents, especially compared to American English.
I mean, the atom has a tiny mass, too, but what we are saying is compared to the totaled atomic mass, the mass of the electron is tiny.
They don't ask you to just be humble and throw yourself on the ground and consider yourself as nothing compared to the god,or the gods.
For it is peculiar to man as compared to other animals that he alone has a perception of " good and bad, just and unjust and other things."
Is it compared to someone else?
So musical notation: the first grid pattern in Western culture-- but it does lock us in in interesting ways that we may-- you perhaps have never considered-- compared to how music is made in other cultures.
But on the whole, compared to most other European countries, I would say yes, there are.